Amélie "Widowmaker" LaCroix x Reader - Paris Mornings

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You pulled open the lime drapes and burst the white shutters open on your flat balcony. The view was astounding, from a few miles away you could see the grand figure of the Eiffel tower. There were already people buzzing around the streets of Paris getting to their destinations and wild traffic was all you could hear.

The sun caught on your skin causing a large shadow to form behind you. You were wearing a lime robe with white lotus flowers and black trimming, even if someone looked in your direction you were too high up for them to catch sight of any inappropriate bits.

You heard sheets shuffling behind you but carried on staring at the mesmerizing sight in front of you. Paris mornings were truly great.

You felt two slender, cold arms wrap around your waist and pull you closer to the body behind you, causing you to melt into the figures embrace. You stroked over her hands then intertwined your fingers.

"Good morning sleepyhead" you whispered warmly, addressing the woman behind you

"Good morning to you too, chèrie. Sleep well?" She nuzzled into the crook of your neck, rubbing her nose against the fat vein there, sort of like an Eskimo kiss.

"You know I always sleep well when I'm with you" you smiled and turned in her embrace, wrapping your arms around the French woman's sleek neck

"I bet you certainly slept better after yesterday" She smirked, leaning down to peck your lips and pull you closer to her naked toned body

"Well you're always on top I thought I'd make a change to that" you giggled and played with the hairs at the back of her neck, blushing faintly

"You do know chèrie that I will return the favor?" She asked amused. There was a predatory look in her blue face and golden eyes and you couldn't help but anticipate what the French assassin had in store for you.

"You can do whatever you wish to me, Amélie" you replied to her question without worry

"Be careful what you wish for, ma belle" She leaned down as if ready to give you another kiss, and just as your eyes closed she picked you up bridal style, causing a squeal to escape your mouth

Amélie chuckled and threw you down on the bed then slowly crawled over your disheveled form, the silky robe having slipped from a shoulder and opening up slightly so the edges of your breasts and taut stomach were showing.

She peppered kisses on your rosy lips whilst lifting up one of your thighs towards her side, slotting herself in between your legs.

She ground down slowly against you, her movements like that of a serpent, making you bite your lip and sending shivers up your spine.

Amélie removed the rest of the robe from you and chucked it away near an armchair fluidly, after all you'd both done this many time.

You wrapped your arms around her neck and grinded with her at the same pace, causing Amélie to let a hot moan escape into your mouth, you repeating the delicious sound.

Amélie slid down your smooth neck, nibbling at the big juicy vein there and sucking bruises so people would not forget who you belong to.

You wound your fingers into her long luscious hair and massaged her scalp, causing her to purr like a kitten.

You were getting worked up and Amélie knew it, you needed the voluptuous assassin to fuck you already so you whined and tugged Amélie's hair.

Amélie looked at you mischievously and when she was happy with your now red and purple neck she kissed a trail down your naval, sweet kisses running down in a line to your awaiting pussy.

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