Aleksandra "Zarya" Zaryanova x Reader - Cum Showers

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Sweat trickled down your brow as you punched the heavy, black leather sandbag; it giving off little thuds with every hard hit you delivered. You decided to hit the gym when you realized you'd practically finished all your work, cleaned everything there was to be cleaned at home and filed away all your mission reports.

Since Zarya was looking for some company to train with at the gym, you decided to accompany her, having had nothing better to do but also because you didn't want to let a friend down.

"Da, Y/N, you have a very strong hit, almost as strong as Zarya's" she spoke, watching you hit the bag whilst cleaning off her sweat with the small white towel around her shoulders. You stopped momentarily to flash her a smile, but quickly resumed your pace or you would tire out

"Thanks Zarya, I'm glad you invited me" you grunted as you pounded on the bag, it flying backwards with the consecutive strikes. Your muscles had started burning from all the stress of exercise, after all, you guys had been here for nearly two hours, and sandbags weren't light.

"No need to thank me sestra, I like the company" she grinned childishly, her green eyes shining with mirth

You sent another smile in her direction and stopped the sandbag from swinging further, your hold tight on the wrinkled apparatus.

"Done already?" Zarya mocked, smirking at you as you wiped your sweat with your own towel

"You can't say much, you've been watching me for the past 20 minutes" you replied confidently, returning an equally mocking smirk in her direction with a cocked out hip and hand resting there.

Zarya instantly flushed and stumbled over her words, her smirk dropping and eyes wandering nervously around the gym, not meeting your intense gaze

" finished faster..c..cause I'm stronger...check these babies out" she pointed to her bulging biceps, trying to divert the conversation to something else. You admitted she looked adorable when she was embarrassed but you had to agree, her muscles were fucking hot

" that's any excuse" you laughed, roaming your eyes over her toned body and pick for gym wear. Zarya always worked out in her elastic blue sports bra and shorts, which easily defined her gifted breasts and huge thighs.

You however were more covered, not opting to show too much skin. It wasn't because you were unfit or anything, because you were just as toned, if lacking the huge muscle mass. It was wasn't always like that, you didn't always look as good as you did now, and because of that huge blow to self esteem you tended to cover up more

"Yes Zarya, I can see them, it wouldn't surprise me if you could see them from a mile away" you joked, grabbing all your gym stuff and preparing to hit the showers. It was a good thing that there were two sets: ones with stalls and those without

Zarya swelled with pride, kissing each one which caused you to laugh

"Lets hit the showers korotyshka" Zarya picked her black gym bag with ease and headed in the direction of the women's showers, glancing behind her to give you a little wink

It was your turn to flush red and squirm uncomfortably

" know I don't understand Russian" you jogged next to her, trying not to be left behind

Zarya chuckled and placed a heavy arm around your shoulder as she walked

"That's good, it means I can call you whatever I want and you won't know what it means, unless you use that Kusok der'ma, Google Translate" You knew she had cussed due to the amount of loathing she had for the website

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2017 ⏰

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