When He Fell for You

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Bellamy Blake: 

Bellamy fell for you when you helped put Atom out of his misery after the acid fog. He had never seen you so calm before as you made Atom's final moments peaceful.

John Murphy:

He may not like to admit it but he fell for you the moment you beat the crap out of him. He had never met someone as daring and brave as you.

Jasper Jordan: 

Jasper really didn't realize his feeling for you till after his accident. If he had to pinpoint the exact moment had to be right after he woke up when you sat up all night making sure he had everything he needed. 

Monty Green: 

You were helping Monty with contacting the Ark and you kept making really weird faces while working and Monty found them adorable and from then on he couldn't keep you out of his mind.

Finn Collins:

Finn fell for you when he saw you and Clarke by the Dropship drawing out the route to Mount Weather on the first day. He really doesn't really know why but it did.

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