Meeting Him

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2. If you are interested check out my other book's😙


"Yeah , I..." I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up "I'm fine ... Wait who are you ? And what are you doing here ?" At the same moment I asked that a smile appeared on his face.
His pearly white teeth we're revealed and I let go of his hand.
"Well first of all , I'm Aaron." He held out his hand so I could shake it but I didn't really wan't to before he tell's me why the hell is he in this mansion.
"Okay..." he retreated his hand and put his finger's in his back pockets.
"I am your butler , if you can say it like that. I'm here to clean the mansion while you are in here , and assist you with anything you need.
I'm here because Mr. and Mrs. Wright told me they had to meet me before I start."
Now I felt really bad for not shaking his hand , he seems like a really nice guy.
"I'm sorry for being so inpolite , I'm Maya , Maya Wright." I smiled at him and he returned back the smile while we shook hands.
"I didn't hear your surname." I said and he chuckled
"Aaron Worth."
After a minute of awkward silence the monsters came down the stairs.
Oh no , no no no , God , please give me the strenght not to become a murderer.
I thought to myself while my cousin Coutney and her brother Harry we're walking down the stairs.

I was almost 17 and Courtney was 14 while Harry was 15.
Courtney had blonde hair and her blue eyes we're piercing everyones heart out , and her brother Harry...
Don't even get me started on how annoying he is , and the shadow of his sister.
Unlike Courtney , Harry had brown eyes and brown hair.
They looked like redneck's and acted like ones , and I was praying to God that they just pass by and don't say anything...

"Who are you ?" Courtney asked looking at Aaron who still had a smile on his face , I guess he still hasen't met the devil.
"I'm Aaron , your cleaner and here to asist you with anything you..." Coirtney interrupted Aaron with her usual rude tone
"Then go clean my room." Aaron looked at her confused and his smile guickly disappeared
"I still have to talk to..."
"I don't care." Courtney interrupted him again "Just clean my room , will you ?" Before Aaron had the chance to say anything Courtney anwsered her own guestion and tapped his shoulden walking away with Harry.

I sighed loudly.
"Those we're ?"
"My cousin's."
"Aha." Aaron started walking up the stairs and I looked at him confused
"Where are you going ?" I shouted grabbing the staircase
He turned around , now completely serious
"To clean her room ?" It was more of a guestion then an awser.
I chuckled "You're not being serious are you ? Just come down the stairs."
He walked down the stairs slowly looking at me the whole time.
Damn , those eyes...
I thought to myself when he stopped at the last stair and looked at me.
I grabbed his hand , slowly and his fingers trembled when I touched his palm
"Come on , we can go for a walk untill my parent's return , they wen't to buy some food." I turned around and started walking , Aaron walking behind me , I smiled at his shyness.
When we got out of the mansion into the front yard I let go of his hand.

We started walking , slowly but carefuly and the conversation wen't on.
"So you are here for the funeral ?" He asked as we walked around
"How do you know ?" I said putting my hands in my front pockets
"I know cause I know where the funeral is being held."
Now I was really confused , how did he know all this ?
"I knew your grandfather." He said looking at me for a swift moment
"Albert Wright , great guy , he actually helped me get this job."
Now I was interested and really cuorious like I always am.
"When I was 17 , I came to LA to find a job that will give me alot of money , since it wasn't really easy I setled for a well payed but not millionare job.
And that was cleaning house's. One day I got a call from your grandpas house to get the yard allitle bit fixed up and the house cleaned. Once I got to the adress , your grandfather greeted me and offered me tea while we talk. He claimed that the talk was neccesary for the job but he didn't really ask me about my other job's or this one. He asked me about my family , my childhood , what I like to do and what kind of person I was. After I finished the job he didn't need me anymore , but every Sunday I would go to his house and talk with him and help him to keep the house clean. After a month he got me a job here , and since it's a big mansion the job is really well payed. Then , after he had a stroke I didn't see him anymore. I tried to contact him but he didn't anwser. After that I just got a phone call that...he died..."
Aftet hearing Aaron's story I wondered if my grandpa told him stories like he did to me when I was little.
"Wait , you said , when you we're 17 ?
How old are you now ?"
I asked him like it wasn't a normal thing to be older then 17
"I'm 18 now."
After that I didn't ask him anything , him and me just enjoyed the walk untill we got back to the front of the mansion where I saw my parents' car.

My mother was carrying two bag's , and my father was carrying three bag's of groceries.
Aaron and I we're walking pretty slow so we didn't manage to catch them before they wen't inside.
As Aaron and I walked into the mansion I knew my parent's we're in the kitchen , the problem was that I didn't know where the kitchen is.
I think Aaron knew that , so he lead me to the kitchen where my paren't we're unpacking the bags.
As soon as we entered my parent's stopped what they we're doing and looked up.
My father was allready dead serious and confused why I was in this situation.
But thanks to heaven my mom made the first move.
With a smile she greeted us and said "Hi."


Okay , so you might have noticed that I made changes in the looks of Courtney and Harry.
That is because I am making a chapter where I put the pictures with the characters and I just couldn't find a picture that completely fitted them.
The chapter will be posted today , but arranged before the first chapter. That's all ! Love you ❤

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