The Cemetery

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2. If you are interested check out my other book's😙


I got up slowly giving the man a slight smile and walked away.
It was 5:30pm and the night fall usualy starts at 10pm.
So I had 4 hours and 30 mins to get ready.
What am I talking about !? I can't go to a cemetery alone at night !
"Hi." I look up at the figure standing infront of me.
It was the boy from the church. His black hair and blue eyes looked perfect and we're a definite distraction if I don't walk away right now.
"Hi." I said , thinking of a way to end the conversation guickly.
"I'm Taylor , Taylor Smith."
I smiled at him , then looked around to find Aaron.
"Look I would really like to talk , but I gotta find someone."
"OK. Then just take my number."
I handed him my phone and he inserted the number by the name Taylor❤.
Wow , he is really confident , maybe too much. I don't think I like that.
I thought and smiled at him walking away.

Since I couldn't find Aaron downstairs I walked up the stairs.
As soon as I reached the top of the stairs I saw Aaron sitting infront of my room , leaning his head on the door. I walked up to him slowly and he tilted his head to the side to smile at me. I sat beside him looking at my shoes.
"I have a question , two questions actually." I looked at him , continuing
"First question , why are you infront of my room like a creep ?" He chuckled and leaned forward to whisper
"Because I infact , am a creep." We both laughed and then he said "I just wanted to check up on you , cause of the funeral."
That is so sweet.
I thought to myself and said "I'm okay."
"Second question ?"
"Second question , will you go with me to the Rosedale cemetery in the middle of the night ?" He laughed at me but soon realised I was serious
"What ?" He asked , no smile on his face
"Mr. Shey told me that the coffin can be robbed at night."
"Yes , but Albert was burried today."
"Actually , he will be burried tommorow morning."
"Who told you that ?"
"Two people."
"Okay..." he said and leaned his head on my door again , crossing his arms on his knees.
"I will help you." I jumped up and smiled widely like a little child in a candy shop.
Aaron laughed at my happiness.
To him , I probably only was that , a child.
As soon as that thought wen't through my mind my smile dissappeared.
Aaron stood up and walked over to me. He took my hand's into his and searched for my eyes with his.
When our eyes met he whispered , completely guiet
"Your parents have green eyes but you... you have the most beautiful dark brown eyes. I can't really recognise which part is the pupil and which one is the iris."
"I thought guys fell for blue or green eyes ?" I chuckled but he was serious
"Well , for once , you are wrong."
So he thinks I am rarely wrong. Smart guy.
"So ?" He asked
"So what ?" I said confused
"When do we go to the cemetery ? If we wan't to be there at 10pm we gotta start walking at 9pm , if you don't wan't to take a ride on my motorbike ?"
Are you kidding me ? You have a motorbike !? What's wrong with you ?! I feel like I'm in the movie dirty dancing. Just like ... let me take you for a ride on my motorbike , and then we can dance tango in the lake.
My thoughts wen't to Neverland but I annoyed Peter Pan so much that he returned me to reality.
"Yeah we can go on your motorbike."
"OK. That seems good but to your parents , where are you actually going ?"
"I met someone on my way back from the cemetery , and it's a girl my age , and we are going out , don't have to wait for me , will be back by 11pm."
"You are a good liar. I like that."
We laughed and seperated.
He wen't downstairs and I wen't to my room to unpack. Finally.
I hopped out of my dress and put on a grey sweatshirt and a pair of blue , jean , high wasted shorts , my white vans still on.
By now my hair wasn't straight anymore and was back to it's original wavy form.
By the time I was done unpacking , it was 8:45 pm.
Still got enough time for everything.
I wen't down to the kitchen and found mom cleaning up behind the quests.
"Hey mom ?"
"Yes honey ?"
"While I was walking back from the cemetery I met this great girl , same age as I , and I was wondering if we could go out tonight. Just to walk around the neighbourhood , nothing far. You wouldn't have to wait for me since I was planning on leaving at 9:30pm and coming back at 11pm. Sounds good ?"
My mom took a couple of momnets to process everything I just said and then anwsered
"Of course , I'm glad you are being social !" She kissed my forehead and I wen't upstairs again but she stopped me
"But wait !"
I turned around.
"I know you are a good liar so I'm gonna ask you some questions."
"Go ahead."
She started shooting questions like bullets
"What's her name ?"
"Where is she from ?"
"What's her mothers name ?"
"What's her fathers name ?"
"I don't know."
"She doesn't talk about him much."
"Why ?"
"He passed away."
"How ?"
"He was in the army and got shot."
"When did he pass away ?"
"When Sarah was 8 years old."
"Okay , I guess you really did meet this girl Sarah. Go have fun."
I smiled at my mom and turned around exhaling.
I don't know if it's good to be such a great liar , but hey ! It is a talent... I guess...
Walking up the stairs I bumped into Courtney.
"Hey watch it !" She said walking past me
"I didn't even touch you ." I said looking at her with fury
"But my parent's don't know that."
"You are a little devil you know ?"
"No , I'm a little angel." She fake smiled.
"But you are the devil." I looked at her confused by her anwser
"Sneaking around with boys. Whispering things to eachother. Won't be long untill you invite him to your room and I will tell your parent's everything. I will say Elizabeth ! Michael ! Oh what a struggle Maya is !"
"That's the best you can do ?" I sassed and she looked at me with that snobby look in her eyes
"I'm older , taller and well stronger. So look , you little brat , you can tell anyone you wan't but I will be here , and you will be all alone. Just like now."
She ran pass me at my words and I wen't to my room.
I really don't like being evil to people , especially family , but my cousin's just awake the worst side of me and I have to be the evil daughter , although I am not.
In the right , front , pocket of my shorts I put my phone and my key and was ready to go to the cemetery.

Soon it was 9:30pm and I wen't down the stairs to the exit.
When I got out of the mansion I saw Aaron on his motorbike.
He was wearing the same jeans and converse but instead of the shirt he had at the funeral , he was wearing a black , V-neck T-shirt and a red hoodie over it.
I ran over to him and sat behind him on the bike.
He handed me a black helmet and I put it on guickly.
Wrapping my hand's around his waist I got closer to him.
I felf his body tense , then relax again , and he started the motorbike.

As soon as we got to the cemetery he asked me "So ?"
"So what ?" I asked and started walking towards the center of the cemetery
"Well , how was the ride ?" He said leaving the motorbike behind us and catching up with my step.
"Nothing special." I said laughing
"I thought you we're gonna say the stuff the other girl's say."
Other girl's ? Wow.
"And what do the other girl's say ?" I asked him amused by his talk
"Well , I don't know , something like Aaron you're so hot and you have such a cool bike." He imitated a girl voice and I laughed at him.
"What ?"
"I'm sure they don't say that."
He smiled and looked at the ground.

When we got to my grandpas grave thr coffin still wasn't burried.
I sat down on the wet dirt and looked at the roses on the coffin.
A few roses we're blown away by the wind , but my rose was still here.
I knew that cause the rose I have has blood on it cause I stung myself on the it.
I wonder how it is to be there.
Is he aware we are here , above his coffin ?
"You ok ?" Aaron asked softly , sitting next to me.
I nodded not saying anything and leaned on his shoulder.
It was late and my eyed started to shut.

I woke up on Aarons shoulder.
He was also asleep and a shock wen't through my body.
We fell asleep , what about the coffin ?!
I ran to the whole in the ground and without thinking jumped in.
Now I was an inch away from the coffin.
I sighed and opened the top of the coffin.
He was laying there , his hands crossed over his chest , holding a white rose.
Tears started streaming down my face and I covered my cheek's with my hand's.

Now my vision was blurry from the tear's but I still saw a little yellow paper peeking out of my grandfathers suit.
I reached for the paper and opened it slowly.

Dear Maya ,

If you are reading this I have acomplished my goal.
I am also probably dead if you are reading this.
I'm not gonna ask how you found this cause I can't.

I smiled at his sense of humor and continued reading.

Don't worry about me , I am fine and I know you will be.
Now let's not cry and let's just talk.
If you don't know yet , your trip to the mansion was planned.
I told your parents not to stay at my house when I pass away , when I was still alive of course.
Now for you , my Lupus...

I smiled at the nickname he gave me as a little girl. In latin , Lupus means wolf. He gave me this nickname cause he always thought I was as smart and as fast as a wolf.

... I have a gift.
Now read very closely.

914 2085 18151513 914 1325 81521195
69144 2085 2151511

I was confused but I knew this was important.
My grandpa had a sense of humor but he oly coded something when he didn't wan't anyone else to find whatever he was hiding.
I guickly put the paper in the pocket of my short's , closed the coffin and shouted
"Aaron !" After a few seconds I heard footsteps coming towards me.
"What are you doing ?"
"Nothing. Just help me up and let's get outta here." He grabbed my hands and pulled me up.
"What about the robber's ?" He asked as I dusted the dirt off of myself
"I have a feeling that there isn't anything of great value in that coffin."

We walked to the motorbike and drove to the mansion.

I took off my helmet and Aaron took his off.
Without a goodbye I gave him back the helmet and kissed his cheek , then ran into the mansion.
It was 11:57pm and I was tired as hell.
Without changing I layed under the blankets holding tight onto the paper in my pocket.

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