Chapter Two; The Hangover

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I woke up by a stinging headache and a dry mouth that tasted like skunk. 

As I rolled out of bed I felt the aching pain in my back and when I finally opened my eyes I closed them immediately because they felt too tight, like they had been pressed against my skull.

I stumbled up to my feet and felt a burning pain in my stomach. At least I was smart enough to lay a couple of aspirins and a bottle of water on my old bed table. I swallowed them all at once and drank up the water bottle.

Gosh, what time is it even? I asked myself after I had felt that the aspirins started to kick in. 

2:43 pm my cracked screen showed. I panicked. I start work at 2:30 pm.

I quickly grab my clothes from last night, ripped jeans and a gray tank top, that were thrown on the floor and then hurried into the bathroom that was just outside my bedroom.

The pain in my body didn't feel as bad anymore because of the rush.

While dragging of the makeup from last night and brushing my teeth I picked up my phone and called Trace, my colleague.

"Hey Crystal! Where are you?"

"Hey, Trey! Uhm I overslept.." I said guilty while putting up my unwashed blonde hair into a messy bun.

"Oh really? Again? I'm shocked!" He said with a sarcastic tone.

"Yeah, I know it's just, party last night you know-"

"Don't worry, I'll cover for you but he's not happy so just get here like yesterday."

"Ok thanks, Trey, see you in a bit."

After we hung up I threw myself out of the apartment and rushed to the bus station that was only a few minutes away.

Why do I always do this? I asked myself with a self hate-tone when I reached the bus station.

It was my forth oversleep in a month and I knew Thomas, my boss, would be really mad.
But what matters is that I'll get there, right? I thought in a desperate try to make myself feel better. It didn't work.


It took 12 minutes to get to work from the closest bus station, like always.

And when I hurried inside of the small coffee shop around the corner of New York Street Thomas stood by the counter.
He did not look happy.

Trace came up behind him with a sorry look basically telling me that he wasn't able to cover for me.

"Crystal. What a pleasure to have you here. Would you like a coffee?" Thomas said sarcastically.

"Look, I'm so sorry! I'll work extra, I promise just please don't fire me." I begged.

There were a few customers at the shop, they looked at us with uncomfortable looks.
One of them was Mary, an old lady that's been a customer at Crooked Croissant & Deli for years now, and when she heard what I said she decided to speak up.

"Thomas, darling." She started. "You can not seriously be thinking about firing this lovely woman?"

He looked over at her and then back at me, not saying anything just staring. I could see that he was thinking.

"You've been late the last four Sundays, Crystal. That is not acceptable, so I'm going to have you work three extra hours next week and give you one last chance. If you screw this up, you're out. Got it?" He said with a serious look and tone.

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