Chapter Seven; Kyan Stewart

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Tuesdays are hard. Maybe even the hardest day of the week for one reason and one reason only; I start work at 6 am which means I have to get up by 5 am.

That's not an easy task but I manage to do it every week. It's stressful, exhausting and absolutely horrible but I manage.

Breakfast is not included in my Tuesday morning routine but snoozing sure is.

Other than that Tuesday's are pretty good. 8-hour workday meaning my shift ends at 2 pm and I can spend the rest of the day hanging out with my little brother Kyan.

This Tuesday though I had to stay a little extra to catch Marie who starts at 2.30.

I sat down by one of the tables, waiting for her to come through the door. And she did by 2.15.

"Hey, Marie!" I said.

"Oh, hi Crystal." She said while putting her headphones into her purse and walked past me into the changing rooms.

"Uhm, Marie?" I called and she turned around.

"Yes?" She said confused.

"I was just wondering." I started and walked up to her. "You know since we have completely different schedules."

"Yes, we do."

"Do you know someone named Ally?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like a customer."

"Could you describe her?"

"Yeah, sure. Brown hair, bit wavy. Uh, super blue eyes?"

"That Ally? Ally Hudson?"

"Well, I don't know her last name but I guess that makes sense."

"She's very polite, I like her. She comes in every other day and orders a Café Crema?"

"Yes, exactly. Her." I started, unsure of how to continue.

"What about her?"

"You said she comes in every other day, do you happen to know what days?"

"Oh I see, you're into her!"

"What?" I said, trying to cover my now blown cover.

"I didn't know you're into girls." She said and I shushed her. "Oh my God, I'm sorry. You're not out yet?" She whispered and I smiled embarrassedly.

"Anyway" I started, still embarrassed about the whole situation. "Could you maybe swap some shifts with me?"

"Yeah, sure I could. I just need something in return." She said mysteriously.

"Like what?"

"You know." She started. "Like a date."

My world stopped. I couldn't move nor speak. I had to go on a date with Marie Spencer? The most boring girl I've ever met.

"I have great work hours if I'm gonna trade them I need something in return, right?" I snapped out of my paralysis.

"Yeah." I swallowed "When?" I asked and she gave me a light smirk.

"I'll let you know. You can go talk to Thomas about the swap. Ally usually comes in Monday afternoon, Wednesday morning and sometimes she spends her Saturdays here, right before lunch."

"Thank you," I said, still a bit uncomfortable with the thought of going on a date with her. She nodded and walked into the changing rooms.

I decided to talk to Thomas about it right away so I went up to his office.
He said that he couldn't care less about those small changes as long someone was there to get the work done but also that he'd get on it ASAP since the first change was the next morning.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2017 ⏰

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