Chapter Four; Second Sight

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I spent the rest of the Saturday binge watching Netflix. The love of my life.

I got lost in Sense8 so when Matt came into the living room after having a really productive day telling me I had to get ready I got really shocked.

Matt had done all kinds of things this Saturday. He worked a little on his new song, went shopping groceries, he made some 'be quite, important' phone calls and made us lunch, twice.

"Is it 9 pm already?" I asked and looked up at him from my sitting position.

"9:06 actually." He said and pointed to his phone screen. "Come on, get dressed."

"I need to shower."

"Oh my God, really? Well hurry then, we're gonna be late." He sighted at my time optimism.

"Fine people are late!" I shouted as I rushed into the shower.

"I'm pretty sure whoever said that meant 10 minutes late not 30!" He shouted back.


After my shower it was 9:34 pm which meant we had 30 minutes to get there and the subway ride took 20, Matt started to get real impatient.

"Fucking hurry, stupid bitch!" He shouted at me from the sofa.

"I'm doing the best I can, cunt!" I shouted back.

"Do better!" I rolled my eyes at him.

What was I gonna wear? Well, black skinny jeans obviously but what top? Maybe a Green Day one? No, too edgy. How about this one? A simple green thrasher shirt. Fake but still.

"How about this?" I asked Matthew.

"Yeah, looks great." He said with his eyes stuck on the screen. He was playing some sort of video game. I sighted.

I walked into the bathroom and messed with my hair a bit. To get that effortlessly-nice look. Some perfume and natural make-up.

"Are you ready to go?" Matt shouted. "It's 9:59!"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm done."

"Well come on then!" He said impatiently. I walked out to the small hallway and put on my no-longer-white converse.

On the way to the subway, Matthew and I talked like always about everything and nothing. We ended on a conversation about that pretty girl.

"Do you think she'll be there?" He asked gently.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe?"

"Cause I mean you might have mutual friends." I nodded and stopped for we reached our place on the station. 3 minutes to the next subway. That's nice, not too long.


During the 20 minute ride, Matt and I didn't say much. We both plugged in headphones and traveled to our safe spaces, the places music took us.

I put on my playlist 'chill' because I didn't feel like listening to any hard or hyped music.

Matthew and I listened to so different types of music it's almost funny. But we both enjoyed each other's music. It's just I wouldn't sit like this and put on his house music and he wouldn't put on mine.

Sleepover by Hayley Kiyoko, Wasted Youth by FLETCHER and Somebody Else by The 1975 were my favorites at the time. I listened to them on repeat so before I knew it we had reached our station.

It was a 6-minute walk from the station to Nolan's apartment so we got there by 10:30.

The party was all up and going when we got there, you could hear the music from the bottom floor. Nolan's apartment was on the 4th. What do his neighbors think?  I asked myself.

The door was open so we just stepped inside to a hot and stinky environment. You could see something that was supposed to be a dance floor from the hallway. The people on it were either jumping or tripping around, it didn't look very good.

Around the corner to the right was the kitchen which was surprisingly big. How does he afford all of this? I wondered before remembering that his parents were very rich.

He had put a lot of effort into this party, more than necessary. He had dimmed the lights and put up some kind of color lightning, he had alcohol of all kinds everywhere and in the kitchen, he had made his counter into a bar, it looked dope. I was impressed.

I made my way inside to the couch. Saw some familiar faces and gave them a hello.

I couldn't see Nolan anywhere in the living room or so-called dance floor so I suspected he was in the kitchen with Matthew and Trace making sure everyone always had a drink in their hand, including himself.

I was just about to head in there when I saw her, it felt like I had been struck by lightning, the whole world slowed down and I stopped to look at her. Watching her magical hair laying across her shoulders like nothing I had ever seen. That smile shining as she laughed.
I watched her lips as she spoke and fell in love with their movement.
Her eyes that flickered through the room until they landed on me. All of a sudden all of my build up confidence came crashing down, she smashed herself through my walls with a simple look.

I found myself gasping for air and giving her a smile. She didn't turn her head or even move her beautiful blue eyes, she held them locked on mine. And then she snapped out of it and I came back to the world.

"Ally, what's making you so distracted?" I heard the curly headed say from a distance.


I saw her shaking her head and turning her focus back on him and their friends but her eyes kept coming back to mine.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. Matt. I turned around to face him but to my surprise, it wasn't Matt but Jason, an ex of mine. My smile faded and I looked at him with the most surprised mixed with confusion and disgusted look ever.

"What are you doing here?" I said almost defensive.

"I thought you'd be happy to see me." He said with that smile I used to love but had learned to hate.

"And what made you think that?" I said and removed his hand from my shoulder.

"Oh come on! Don't be like that."

"I don't want to see you and definitely not chat with you," I said and started walking towards the balcony.

All I could think of was that stupid grin of his, the kind of grin that refused to leave his face. All the memories come rushing back, the perfect beginning and the harsh ending. 

I thought he loved me but he proved me wrong so many times, I just refused to believe it. First love. You would do anything for it, doesn't matter how much it hurts nor how much you break, you just don't want to let it go.


I'm not sure if you're supposed to write here after every chapter, I think it's kinda annoying when authors do that but leave your opinion on it in the comments I guess.
See u in a week :)

ALSO, I do make changes and touch ups on all the chapters all the time which means re-uploads. I hope you don't get too confused about them. 

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