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OMG ! I can't believe this. I so cannot believe this. I finally get to go to Forks !! I have been trying to get this scholarship for years and now finally I have got it. Oh sorry I forgot to Introduce myself. Well my name's Disha. I'm 17. I have black hair and hazel eyes. Well, I am excited about going to Forks and I am gonna leave in one week. I should start packing.
*After one week. At the airport*
I'm leaving today, my parents came to drop me off. We all are in the verge of tears. ' Flight no 31 is gonna leave in 30 minutes ' , I heard the announcer say. ' Well that's me , bye mom , bye dad ' I said. ' Bye honey ' , they kissed my forehead and we all said our good-byes. I boarded my plane and soon drifted off to sleep. After couple of hours I woke up and found myself landing in Forks. I got out of the plane and exited the Airport. Forks was mesmerizing. Then I decided to find my apartment. It was 10 p.m. and I was walking God knows where. Just then a saw a tall curly headed boy with green eyes approach towards me. ' Hey Beautiful ' Oh god his British accent ....

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