NEXT GEN Chapter 1

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Rose Serif

I woke up to the loud sound of my dad's over confident yelling downstairs and sighed as I rolled over I mean I love my dad. But he sometimes is louder than my music.

"Rose get down here its time to walk to school with your cousin!" My mom yelled all the way from downstairs. both of my parents are loud. I slowly arose from my bed and got up to brush my long brown hair. I put on my red hat, which covered my ears, one of the only features I got from my mother.

My name is Rose Serif, daughter if Papyrus Serif and Nevaeh Serif, or Nevaeh Rose before she was married to my dad. I got my fathers looks and my mothers personality. And I think a lot of my Uncle Sans lazy tone has affected me with how much I'm over at their house. I mean, my one and only friend is my cousin. Fun, right?

"Rose hurry up Benji's waiting for you!" My mother yelled again. I sighed and put on my high tops.

"Coming!" I yelled back as I raced down the stairs and slid into the kitchen.

"Why hello family." I said as I grabbed a piece of toast.

"Hello my little princess, have fun at school today." My father hugged me close burying my face in his small red scarf. I had the other half of his scarf, a father daughter thing I guess. I then hugged my mother.

"Have fun with your last week of school." She said as I closed the door.

I turned around to face my cousin. He was the spitting image of his father, but he could also shape shift into a fox like his mother. Even though the only time he tried it didn't end well.

He had a blue scarf and wore a lose t-shirt and shorts with blue convers. He aspired to be like my father he said, I do too but not as openly. I mean my father is second in command of the royal guard.

"Ready for school cuz?" I asked as he handed my bag over.

"You know, you have the smarts to do your homework. You don't have to have me do it, I mean I don't mind but you just-"

"Don't want to, and still don't want to. And you're obsessed with school and everything related so it works out for both of us."

"You could have straight A's if you tried."

I slung my backpack over my shoulder and sighed. "Straight B's are good enough, otherwise people will bother me to do something with my life." My cousin just rolled his eyes.

"Sometimes Rose, I think your laziness will be your ticket to not getting accepted into the royal guard."

"That's a long ways away, don't want to think about it."

"Whatever Rose, we're here." He said as we entered school. We entered our first class of the day and waited for the teacher.

"I think there's a sub today." Alley said. Ok, so maybe my cousin isn't my only friend. Alley is the adopted daughter of Undyne and Alphys. Mettaton and Jinx's child is a very shy and gracefully feminine, he's a boy. But he's in our friend group of friends and is pretty cool. His name is Reiackt, but we just call him Rei. And the there is his 2nd cousin, who I only know one of his parents names, being Napstablook, and his mother all I know is made of space or something. His name is Detric, but we all just call him Dec.

We then have Muffets little sister, she's a weird one I must say. Talking of money and how careless we we all are. Cakett is her name. I bet she is going to be a businesses woman when she's gets out of school.

We have three older friends a in middle school. Frisk, Asriel, and Monster Kid. We lived above ground now, but we live close to The Underground. Just to visit Grillbys, he homeschools his twins. His wife died by falling into a lake. That's why he doesn't like Gil and Val go outside or leave the restaurant. But their pretty cool people.

Just then the teacher slammed the door open. And today it was a sub...and what a sub it was.

"Hello class, I am Sans Serif, I will be your sub today."

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