First Day of School

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*Peggy's POV*

I heard the loud beeping coming from Angelica's alarm clock.

5:30 AM, right on schedule.

I shared a room with my two big sisters, Angelica and Eliza. Angelica was the oldest, then Eliza and then me.

Angelica would always be the first one up, no matter what the day or occasion and she'd wake Eliza and I up.

I closed my eyes and rolled back over, trying to snag a few more seconds of sleep.

I got out of bed a few minutes later and stumbled my way to our closet. I walked in and looked at my section.

My color was yellow. Angelica was pink and Eliza blue.

I grabbed a pale yellow long sleeve shirt, and black skinny jeans and finished my look with my faded yellow converse.

*Eliza's POV*

After Angelica wakes me up, I slowly make my way to the closet that my sisters and I share.

"It's too early.." I mumble as I look through  my clothing. I think about what outfit I should wear today. There's this cute guy at my school, and I really want to impress him. His name is Alexander.


Even is name is dreamy! He's an excellent writer and he's the head writer for the school newspaper! I have to admit, I really like him..

I pull out a cute pale blue dress, hoping it'd catch his eye.  

I put on white flats and a little natural makeup. I am ready to face the day.

*Angelica's POV*

I wake up my sisters exactly at 5:30. We can't be late. It's the first day of school! My last first day of high school.

This was my year, I could just feel it.

"Guys, mom made breakfast, it's downstairs. Go eat so we can leave sooner!" I said to my sisters as I walked to our closet.

"What to wear, what to wear.." I thought to myself as I looked at my clothing.

I decide on a pink short sleeve V-neck and a pair of capris. For my shoes, I put on my favorite black Vans.

Once I was ready, I head downstairs to the kitchen. I look at my watch and realize the time.

"Eliza! Peggy! It's 6:17, we gotta get going!" I said as I grabbed the keys to my car and ran out the door with a piece of toast in my hand.

My sisters followed suit.

I had to laugh at the sight of Eliza and Peggy fighting over who gets the front seat. They did this daily, but Eliza always won.

We arrive to school promptly at 6:45. I park my car and look at my sisters.

"I can't believe it! My senior year. And my sweet Eliza, it's your junior year!" I said as I placed my hand on my sisters cheek and smiled.

"Oh, and Peggy. Your sophomore year" I said as I opened my door and stepped out.

"I'll see you guys at lunch!" I called out before walking to my first class.

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