Closet Findings

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*Angelica's POV*

While my dear sisters were out bonding, I decided to tidy up our room. Sharing a room with two other girls can quickly lead to messes. Especially the closet.

We had a large closet. Definitely enough for all three of ours complete wardrobes and then some.

I decided to start there since it would take the longest. I was right, I opened the door, and noticed it looked like a volcano exploded.

I sighed and shook my head, noticing that the messiest section was Peggy's.

"Oh Peggy, what are we gonna do with you?" I said to myself and started folding her mess of clothes.

As I was folding and putting things away, I stumbled across some red clothing articles.

This struck my interest for a few reasons. One being, Peggy's color was yellow, and not red, two, she said she didn't like red, and three, the particular thing I found looked very familiar.

I picked it up to get a better look at it.

That's when it hit me.

Maria Reynolds. It was the same outfit as that new girl Maria Reynolds.

I quickly texted Eliza, telling her we needed to talk when she got home.

*later that night*

I pulled Eliza outside to talk. I explained what I found and she laughed.

"Elizabeth! Why are you laughing? This isn't funny."

She shook her head at me "Angelica, Angelica, Peggy said one night when I picked her up that they had a new girl on the dance team! It's probably just a costume. They said red was their new theme."

I sighed but nodded.


"Angelica! Let it be."

I nodded and walked back inside.

Maybe I was overthinking.

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