Chapter 1

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(F/G) = Favorite Game
(B/N) = Brother's Name
(S/N) = Sister's Name
(Y/N) = Your Name

It's quite a peaceful day today, the sun is out and the birds are chirping. I might just go and take a walk later. I thought to myself as I was looking at my computer screen, skimming YouTube videos for anything that seemed interesting. Something caught my eye, it was a let's play video on my favorite game from my childhood, (F/G).

Ever since I was little, I had always loved videogames. I would play them for most of the day alongside my family, everything from Wii Sports to Mario Kart to (F/G). My brother was an absolute beast at Wii bowling; nobody could ever beat him. But, no one would deny that I was the queen of (F/G). Gaming and gaming culture has become a huge part of my life, and it helped me bond with other people in my own special way.

After watching for a few minutes, I realized that the people playing this game weren't really paying attention; they were more focused on their commentary then they were on their gameplay. But, I will admit, I was almost in tears from how hilarious they were.


A few hours passed, and I decided to look in my subscriber feed. A new video was uploaded onto PBG's gaming channel tiled, "DATING MYSELF?! - Asagao Academy (NormalBoots Dating Sim)." I wasn't really the type of person to play - or shall I say, read - many dating simulators, but I'll see what this video has to offer...

It actually looks genuinely interesting...

So, one download later, and I am on my way to seeing what this game has in store.


Needless to say, I finished the entire game in about 2.5 weeks. All of the stories were just so interesting; it was amazing to see our main character, Hana, undergo so many changes from her poverty- stricken lifestyle. The way that she improved each and every one of the member's lives in some way was just, amazing. Also, the romance was really cute and cuddly, which is always great. So, in other words, I love this game.

Weirdly enough, I really enjoyed Shane's route the most. It gives an explanation as to why he's being such a jerk to Hana right off the bat. It's always nice to see the sensitive side of the people that are so stiff and cold. Character wise though, I'll have to go with PBG. He's just so cute and cuddly and shy, while also being really nice. It's apparent that he really, truly cares about Hana, and vice versa.

Even though seeing this story unfold through my computer screen was great, I began to think. What if I was a character in that game? Would I just be some side character, or could I make an impact on the story? Would I even have a chance with the Normal Boots guys? I answered my own questions aloud by saying, "Well, either way, it would be really cool if I could live and interact with people inside of a video game."

Since I had nothing else to do until dinner, I turned on some music and began to sing along to the words.

Like video games, I've always loved singing. It gave me a way to express myself in a way that normal words could not. My mother insisted that I should take singing lessons, but I saw it as just a hobby. Its not like I'm a pop star or anything, I just like to lift up my voice and have fun.

My singing was interrupted by a call from downstairs, "Dinner's ready!" I shut down my computer and started to walk out of my room. I guess I'll leave this for another time.

As I was walking downstairs, a large form shoved me out of the way and whirred past me. "Ugh, really?" My brother, (B/N) replied with, "Food always comes first!" Being a tad frustrated for being practically trampled for a measly piece of turkey, all I shot back with was, "Alright, sure." I scrambled down the rest of the stairs and made my way into the kitchen. A stack of plates were piled up on one side of the counter, and a few pots and pans containing the food waited in front of me. I saw my brother take a large helping of one of the side items and said, "Hey hey hey, I know you have a big appetite, but leave some for me!" (B/N) responded with a silly laugh and, "Well, it's not like you and (S/N) eat much anyway." I jabbed him in the side with my elbow and countered, "Haha, shut up." I looked over to see a big doofy grin on his face, and we both started laughing. We walked over to the table so that we could eat together, like a "normal" family. We didn't sit and eat together much at the table before the divorce. Usually, we would just take some food and disappear into our own little corners. The whole process of my parents splitting up was a bit rocky; but in the end, we all can agree that it was the best choice for this family.

Dinner went on as usual, my little sister walked in and we all had to pretend that the turkey was chicken. For some reason, the only white meat she'll eat is chicken. But, if you give her a different white meat and tell her that it's chicken, -despite the drastic difference in taste and texture- then she'll believe you, and eat her "chicken" without a worry. We always got a kick out of the funny things that my little sister does.

When I sat back down after taking my plate to the sink, my mother looked at me with a smile on her face. "Alright, close your eyes and don't peek, I have a surprise for you." Giddy with excitement, I did as I was told and I closed my eyes shut. But there was no need, since my brother put his hands over my eyes after saying "She said no peeking, (Y/N)." I tried to peel his greasy hands off of my face, but I did not succeed. "Ugh, I wasn't peeking, butthead." After this statement, he removed his hands from my face and I was allowed to open my eyes. I looked down at the object in front of me, which appears to be a normal- looking brown box. "Wow! Thanks for the box, mom." I got a little chuckle from my family members at that remark. "It's what's inside the box, silly! Go ahead and open it." I slowly tore at the tape that was keeping the box shut, and as I did, a small smile crept onto my face.

It was a small, but elegant, origami unicorn. Alongside it was an instruction booklet on how to make basic origami animals. Ever since I was a child, I had always loved mythological creatures. The Phoenix, the dragon, and most of all, the unicorn. I still have memories of myself drawing little doodles of unicorns and riding around the yard with my "Pet Uni" as I used to call it. I was also looking for a new hobby, seeing as I have nothing better to do than stare at a screen all day. It was a nice little gift that had a bit of thought behind it, and I was touched.

I walked over and hugged my mother for such the kind gesture. "Thanks mom, I love you." We broke away from our embrace and my mother responded, "Well, you have been really well-behaved lately, and I thought it could get you away from that computer of yours." I smiled happily as I took the box up to my room, and the rest of my family walked in different directions to attend to their own business.

It wasn't that late, so I decided to go on my computer, and play some Asagao Academy. Apparently, there are a few secret endings that I haven't discovered, and I am making it my duty to 100% complete this game!

After an hour of failed attempts, I finally got something different to happen. But, it was a weird different. When I got to the point in the game where you go to the flower festival, the words "Please select who you will take with you to the flower festival" appeared on-screen. The catch is, there were no selections at all, and none of the buttons on the keyboard were doing anything. "That's. . . Weird." I looked at the time -12:30 AM- and decided that it was time to go to sleep. I placed my origami unicorn on the desk next to my bed, and drifted off to sleep.

Tomorrow will be a good day. . .

1491 Words

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