Chapter 5

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(Y/N) = Your Name

"So, how did you get here?"

I was sitting on the bottom bunk and Jen was in the desk chair adjacent from me. A notepad and a pen sat in front of her, and she was asking questions as if she'd done this a million times before.

"Well, I was playing the game, and I did all of the steps to set up the secret endings. But, no options popped up when I was asked who I was going to take to the flower festival. I shut my computer, and went to sleep. When I woke up, I was in the train leading to Asagao."


She scribbled something in her notepad.

"How much of the game have you played yet?"
"Every single route all the way through, exept for the secrets."

Scritch scritch

Jen seemed to be thinking intently while her pencil flew across her paper. She glanced from me to the notes.

"Do you have any.. talents?"
"Uhh.. I can sing, and I play games a lot, if that helps."


That pencil and her constant questions became quite annoying. I was really confused and disoriented from everything going on, and I needed answers.

"Why exactly am I here?"
"...That's what I'm trying to figure out."
"Oh. Well, is there a way to take me back?"
"I.. don't really know."
"But, I can tell you what you should do in the meantime."
"Well, you know how you beat a route in the game?"
"You're saying that I should treat this like a route in the game?"
"Well, sort of. Since it seems that you got here through a 'hidden route,' this can be treated like a hidden route. Which also means that Hana will more than likely go on a hidden route as well. This will make it much easier for you to complete your route, since the main character will basically be in the background."

She was talking very fast, so I only got about half of her explanation. But I think I understand.

"I think I understand."
"Good, because even though I'm not 100% certain that I'm right, this might be your only option."
"I hope you're right..."
"Hey, don't treat it like a life or death situation. We could still have fun with this. Whaddya say? I could be your wing man!"
"Hahaha, alright. But, we need a plan first. We can't just jump in there and do whatever."
"Correct. Strategy is always, am I right?"

We were laughing quickly at each other's hilarity. But, through all of the giggles, we came up with a little plan to try and boost my chances of sparking the interest of a Normal Boots club member. These next few weeks will be interesting... Very interesting...

Wait.. how does she know about that line? Do most of these characters that aren't in the main story just know everything?.. Or is it something else?

Me and Jen were walking down the hallway together, looking at Jared's posters up on the wall.
"You know, he is actually kinda hot."
"Focus (Y/N), you need to be on the lookout for the man himself, not his picture."

A slight breeze blew down the hallway because of the opening and closing of doors. And with it carried the scent of musk and-

"Were you ladies looking for me, by any chance?"

Both Jen and I flinched, not knowing he was behind us for who knows how long. But Jen smiled as we both turned around, and she pushed me towards him. He was sparkling as if he had just taken a bath in starlight. His hair was perfectly waved and curved in a way that would make anyone do a double take.

"Hi Jared, I was just curious about your fashion show."

He looked at me as if I were a piece of artwork in a museum, analyzing my body and the way I presented myself. He must've automatically assumed that I wanted to be a part of the fashion show, which is actually what I wanted. I took it as a compliment.


He got really close to me. So close, in fact, that I could smell the cologne coming right off of his body. It made me a bit nervous that we were this close to each other, but I loosened up when I realized that he was smiling.

"I think you have potential. Here is my card, If you need to contact me. I can give you modeling lessons if you need, just give me a call. Now if you excuse me, I must get to class."

He walked off with a smile on his face and a spring in his step. That conversation went by a little too quickly, but I still got what I wanted. I turned around and Jen gave me a smile of approval.

"Good job, you already got his number! At this rate, you'll be dating in no time. Now, let's go on and get to class."

We were walking quickly to class, and I didn't notice the person in front of me until it was too late.
When I noticed who I ran into, my face washed red with embarrassment.

"Watch where you're going next time, flesh bag."
"Jaques! Harsh, man. But, please do be more careful next time before you decide to go rampaging down the hallway."
"Sorry Jon, I'll be more careful next time, haha."
"You'd better be."

Despite his slightly irritated tone, Jon had a joking look in his eyes that told me not to take them (him & Jaques) completely seriously all the time. It reminded me of my family and the way that we would joke around with each other. I got a warm feeling in my stomach from being reminded of the positives in my home life. Happily walking into class, Jen and I took our seats and pretended to take notes on the teacher's lecture about how horrible men can be.

We walked to lunch together and sat at the club table once again. Jirard brought cookies for the table, but didn't expect all of us (me, Jen, Hana, and Mai) to still sit down there. When he walked back to get more, he ran into a small boy whom ridiculed him for enjoying Itty Bitty Kitties. Jirard retorted with an "I like what I like" attitude, which made the kid shut up. Seeing all of this unfold in-person is a lot more powerful than reading it in the game. Even though I've seen this scene unfold countless times, Jirard's words moved me. It's crazy that someone can stand against that kind of ridicule so easily. Before I could think about it any longer, a soft cookie was being placed onto the tray in front of me. I ate it slowly, enjoying every bite of it.

I made a little doodle of a puppy playing basketball during class, and showed it to Jen. She smiled and wrote a note under him that said, "Jeffery, the Basket-Puppy champion." We both giggled like little girls, which unfortunately caught the teacher's attention.
"What is so funny back there?"
Ms. Shizuka walked over to us and saw the paper, crumpled it up, and threw it away.
"Both of you have afternoon detention."
Some of the students were staring at us, which made the situation a bit awkward. Jon turned around in his seat and made a mocking face at us jokingly. But, we mostly just shrugged it off.
"Detention over a puppy? Harsh."
"Now Jeffery will never make it to the big leagues.."

At least we still have each other while we're in detention.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2020 ⏰

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