Chapter 2

193 4 14

(F/C) = Favorite Color
(H/L) = Home Land
(Y/N) = Your Name

Today will be a good day

That phrase is ringing in my skull, as I try to motivate myself to get up. But, as I became conscious, I realized that something was terribly wrong. This isn't my bed. This isn't even my room. In my panicked state, I shot up straight and looked around worriedly. I appear to be on a moving train, with a few people in the train car with me.

These people...
They're wearing...Asagao uniforms?!

I practically yelled into the air, "What?!"
This is a dream.
This cannot be real.
I tried to slap myself awake, but that didn't work.
Out of curiosity, I peered down at my outfit.
I'm wearing an Asagao uniform.
"Oh my god."

When I looked back up, everybody in the train car was staring at me. Being embarrassed, I sheepishly looked around for any luggage I might have. I spotted a (F/C) duffel bag lying under the seat that I was on, and opened it up.

It contained my 3DS- er, excuse me- 4DS, some clothes, a hairbrush, a bit of cash, a letter, and the brown box that contains my origami unicorn.

I looked at the letter quizzically, and slowly unfolded it.

It was my acceptance letter to Asagao. Apparently I'm a transfer student from (H/L), and I got accepted for my "exceptional grades and exemplary talent."

Talent? What talent? I didn't have much time to think this through, because the train had stopped and it was our turn to get off. This time, I actually got a good look at who was in the train car with me. One was a fair-skinned girl with long, flowing auburn hair. The other was a shorter boy with golden hair and freckles. Both of them looked like they were first-years, but I didn't really bother to ask. They didn't seem particularly familiar or important, so I didn't worry too much about them.

Well, I may as well go along with this for now.

I took my duffel bag with me as I stepped out of the train, looking up at the big brick building. Realizing I didn't know where to go, I took out my letter. It had all of my information on it, such as classes, room number, etc. I quietly whispered where I was supposed to go under my breath, "Room 316."

Isn't that across the hall from Hana and Mai's dorm?

Looking at my classes, it seems that I have the same class with Hana, Miss Shizuka's class.


I glanced up at all of the shuffling people around me, and saw a familiar pink blob in my peripheral vision. Mai was walking over to Hana and talking to her about the school and whatnot. But, for some reason, Mai was staring at me for a solid 5 seconds with a weird look in her eyes. It was a look that said, "I don't recognize you." I was puzzled, to say the least. But, I decided that it was best to try and not interfere with the main story for now. Let's just try to find the dorm room.

Following the crowd seemed to be my best bet, so I did just that. The majority of the girls were all going to Primrose House, so I got lucky. I walked up the stairs and looked around at all of the door numbers untill I got to my floor. "312, 313, 314, 315. . . Ha! 316." Without thinking, I turned the handle to the door and pushed it open. As soon as I did, a high-pitched "Ah!" filled the room. "Haha, I didn't expect you to be this early, I'm Jenisu, but you can call me Jen." This must be my roommate. She's really pretty, you know. Her long, black hair brings out her bright, crystal-blue eyes. The length of her hair accents how tall she is, and I would estimate her height to be about 6' 7".

We chatted for a bit while I got all of my things unpacked. Granted, it wasn't much stuff, but I still wanted to get comfortable since I didn't know how long I was going to be here. "So, where are you from?" I was taken out of my thoughts when Jenisu, my roommate, asked me this question. "I'm from (H/L)." Jen paused what she was doing for a moment, then responded. "Wow, that's pretty far away."

The rest of the conversation carried on well. I learned that Jen liked to dance and act, and that she was in the drama club here at school. I told her that I loved to sing and play video games, it was really calming for me. "Don't call me a professional singer though, it's just a hobby."

Grumble Grumble

My empty stomach interrupted our conversation and filled the room with sound. We both laughed at the abrupt noise. "You know what, the campus has got some pretty good food, so let's go ahead and get some. I was getting pretty hungry, too."

We happened to arrive at the cafeteria right before Mai and Hana walked in. Me and Jen got our food from the lunch lady and sat down at a small table near the side wall, next to a window. The whole time, I was being stared at by Mai. "What's her problem?" I may have said that a bit too loudly, since a few people had glanced in my direction, including Jen. Mai stopped glaring at me by the time she was sitting down and eating her food, but I could still feel her frustration with me. "Who?" I snapped back to reality at my roommate's confusion. "Oh, it's just, that red-haired girl keeps glaring at me every time she sees me. It's as if she doesn't want me here or something, and it's making me uncomfortable." I made sure not to actually say Mai's name, since I had never been formerly told what her name was. It's a bit weird for the new girl at school to already know everybody's names by the first few hours. "Oh, you mean Mai Sasaki? Who knows, that girl is crazy. She might have just mixed you up with somebody that she doesn't like."

Part of me knew why she was staring at me so intensely. Mai knew everything about the school and its students, and this school doesn't get many transfers. Maybe the fact that she doesn't know me is bothering her, since having two transfers come to the school at the same time is rare. Or, maybe she knew that I wasn't from this world. Mai gave plenty of hints that she knew she was a character in a video game. It's possible that she knows why I'm here, too. Well, whatever the reason is, I'm sure that Mai has most, if not all of the answers to my questions. I have to find a way to talk to Mai about this, she might be able to help me.

For now, I'll just let everything play out like it's supposed to. Jared is going to pass by Hana's table any second now...

Right on time.

Everybody in the cafeteria turned their attention towards Jared, whom of which was walking towards Han-


On his way over to where Hana was sitting, Jared turned his attention to me and said, "Have we met before?" I was so flustered, I almost didn't answer. "N-no, I don't believe I've seen you anywhere." Why was he talking to me?! "Well, my name's Jared, what's yours?" What's going on?! "Uhh, my name is (Y-Y/N), I just transferred here from a school in (H/L)." He winked at me and said, "Well, I hope to see you around, (Y/N)."

Thankfully, Jared walked over to Hana's table and the cut scene was acted out normally. But, I still had quite a few pairs of eyes lying on me. Jen was just sitting across the table from me with her eyes wide and her mouth agape. After a few seconds, people stopped staring at me and continued on with their own conversations. Jen, on the other hand, was freaking out. "OMG. I can't believe that Jared just walked over here and talked to us like that! That's insane!" Jen must have assumed that I was confused at what all of the fuss was about, since I had a baffled expression on my face. She started to explain everything about the Normal Boots club and all of the members in it.

I was too distracted with Mai's death stare and my own thoughts to listen to her.

Not much happened for the rest of the day. It was mostly just me and Jen getting to know each other, while Jen was showing me around the school.

But, I found it quite difficult to get to sleep that night, since I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts. So, I'm a 3rd-year transfer to Asagao Academy with a little origami unicorn. I got the attention of the most popular guys in school on the first day I arrived. I even have class with some of them. And, apparently, I have some kind of "exemplary talent." A-Am I a Main Character?!

1563 Words

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