Chapter 4

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(B/G) = Book Genre
(B/T) = Book Title
(H/L) = Home Land

"The size and shape of each katana can vary between samurai, and despite it's seemingly simple design, it can..."

Even though the topic that we were learning about was pretty awesome, Miss Shizuka's voice droned on and on for what seemed like forever. Me and Jen started playing Tic-Tac-Toe like a couple of preschoolers so as to keep each other awake. A few students got some dirty glares from the teacher when she saw that they weren't paying attention. But, along with the rest of the class, I perked up when Shizuka mentioned the Flower Festival. I perked up for a different reason, though.

The Flower Festival... since I'm apparently a main character, will someone ask me out? Will I have to ask someone out? What if I have to treat this like a route in the game, and I have to get a 'Best End' to escape...

Something was tugging at my sleeve, so I looked up to see Jen trying to get me out of my seat. "Come on, if we don't go now, everybody's going to snatch up all of the pudding cups!"

I nearly ran to the cafeteria- nothing gets between me and my pudding.

I happily sat down next to Jen with my tray (and pudding cups) in hand. "Wouldn't it be cool if the main character was secretly a bad guy?" "That would probably be the best plot twist ever." Jen and I were discussing different movie ideas that we had, but would never actually do anything with. "Oh! And, there could be a girl with red hair that would burst into flames when..." Jen was looking behind me as she trailed off, so naturally, I turned around as well. When I did, I was looking straight into the torso of... Paul from Continue? "Hey, uhh.. we wanted to apologize for breaking your 4DS." His apology was surprising, but not necessarily unexpected. "Oh, its okay guys, its just a DS." I started to turn back around when he stopped me. "No, we.. wanted to make it up to you. We may not be able to fix it, but you're invited to come sit with us- just for today. Your friend can come too, if she wants." Jen wasn't even involved in the accident. I guess they just invited her out of politeness. I looked back at Jen for an answer, and she looked like she was thinking about it first. "Sure." She answered for the both of us, and with a nod, we started walking towards the middle of the cafeteria.

"More guests!" Hana and Mai were already sitting down when we arrived. All of the eyes in the room were locked on the four girls infiltrating the Normal Boots Club table. It was definitely really awesome to sit down with the video game versions of some of my favorite YouTubers. It was also very... overwhelming, to say the least. I found myself becoming quite nervous when I walked over, but it soon washed away with the friendliness of the group. I still got glances from Mai every now and then, but they were more skeptical than threatening. Aside from PBG glancing at me like he did in class the other day, the group went on like normal- no pun intended. I chuckled a bit under my breath at the group's quirky-ness as they got along. Jen looked like she was enjoying herself as well, despite us both being wallflowers. The boys started talking about their dates to the flower festival- or, lack thereof. I was reminded of my thoughts from earlier, and I started thinking again. What if I never get out, and I'm just trapped here forever? Will I ever see my family again? What will become of me? My anxiety levels started to skyrocket, due to my own irrational thinking. I started to scratch my legs, which was a way of my body trying to get me to calm down. It was too late though, as most of the members noticed my discomfort. Even Hana noticed that I was having a hard time, seeing her look of worry and understanding. I fought back the urge, though. Save the freaking out for when you're alone. Surprisingly enough, Jared saved me from this highly awkward situation by saying, "You look overwhelmed from sitting so close to the hottest guy in school- I usually have that affect on people," and did a dramatic hair flip to top it all off. They were back at it quickly when Shane retorted with a sarcastic, "Pff, sure." Jen pat me on the shoulder for comfort. Other than that bit of awkwardness, lunch went by pretty smoothly.

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