Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

One extra

             Nicole stood still waiting for the wind. We were both waiting for the scent. A thirty five year old woman was walking, helpless, in the wrong direction. The rest of the pack were off in the distance behind us. Sensing the danger rising, Nicole, nor did I, have the patience to wait. I, all of the sudden, heard small rocks falling. A cliff. Nicole's ear had twitched too at the tragedy ahead. She turned to me with an immediate indication to stay put. I knew why: several Avros lingered in the distance. Without the rest of the pack, there is no way we could take them down and save the woman. "Don't." Nicole whispered. It was too late, something in me had pushed me forward. Without question, I leaped ahead.

             When I arrived to the scene I saw the woman tripping over the edge of the cliff. Two Avros stood at each side; daring me to save her. What they were planning did not bother me, I had to do something. I initiated my jump after the woman. Both enemies were hurdling up to attack. I heard a growl. One Avro had disappeared, but the other rammed his body into mine. The sound of barks echoed nearby as I lost my balance; rolling off the cliff. I got a glimpse of Kyle tearing the second Avro apart and then Shariee flying down to catch the woman. My right shoulder blade was the first to be rummaged by a boulder. I heard a few cracks here and there. With everything under me turning to mush I couldn't tell if it was bones or rocks breaking. Dirt dug deeper into my eyes and mouth as I kept rolling. When I finally found solid ground I was gasping for air; choking on dirt and possibly a small rock. I thought to myself 'get up', but the only thing that moved was my tail. Exhaustion overcame me. I tried shutting my eyes but the particles that had been lodged under my eye lids wouldn't allow me.

             "Lorraine." Kyle's voice was like honey; soft and sweet. My tail flickered, I was running out of air. I felt Kyle's hand carefully lift up my head, checking my eyes for life. Just as I felt my heart stop beating an impulsive jab hit my stomach. The rock in the depths of my throat was now a few feet away from Jack. Of course it was him. I glanced up to see him smirking at me.

             "Don't even say anything." Jack teased. "I saved your life." It wasn't long before the rest of the pack was by my side. I then heard the runt, starting his usual 'I'm better than you' argument with Jack.

             "Yeah, well, I led you guys here." Luke then sat down beside me. "You should be thanking me if anyone Lorraine." My throat was soar, so I decided to remain quiet. I observed the runt. He had many similarities as his older sister, Shariee. His golden curls covered his ears; unkempt and tangled. Regardless to Luke's childish behavior, he can kill just as easily as the rest of us. I am the only one who was not allowed to become part of the pack at the age of twelve. Still, I have no clue as to why. My dad and Joey were always so protective of me. Even after the incident, the one from seven years ago, Jack was reluctant to let me in the pack. Jack, however, wasn't the alpha. To this day, our pack does not have one.

             "Where is Shariee?" I finally questioned, noticing she was nowhere in sight. Nicole then slid in front of Luke. Somehow, standing in front of the moon the way she did made her seem taller in her human form.

             "She took the woman home." Although concerned, my best friend smiled down at me. "She's alive." I was relieved to hear those words. Nicole began picking me up. Being in my Sairen wolf form, Kyle and Jack helped her.  Luke followed behind. He insisted many times to let Nicole allow him to help because this was a job for "men" only. "Believe me runt, I got this." She reassured him. 

           I listened as their feet shuffled the ground. We were now facing the cliff. I heard an inciting release of breath from Jack. "Put me down." I requested. No one questioned me, except Luke. I had expected Nicole and Kyle to refuse, but a confidence in me seemed to rise among them. All I knew is that I was not going to make them carry me up a hill.

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