Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

This means war

Tiny bristles chafed against my cheek. It was Ella's old hair brush. I woke up in her bed still holding onto the painting. A bit alarmed I tossed the canvas aside, seeing someone standing in the door way; Kyle. I could feel the knots in my hair so I quickly ran my fingers through them; tugging at any lose strands. He gazed at me momentarily and then coughed into his hands. I sat up and waited for him to say something, but instead he began to chuckle.

"What are y-you.." I was puzzled at his amusement, but as I turned to face the vintage mirror beside me I understood. For a second I thought about getting up and slapping him, but it didn't take much for me to join him in his merriment. After taking another look in the mirror I too giggled. "Oh, come on Kyle." I teased. "Like you wake up any prettier." There were a few more sniggers here and there before he stopped.

"Nah, I guess you're right." He smiled. "Well, anyway, I came to get you because I figured you wouldn't want to miss out on what's going on outside." Kyle scratched the back of his head.

"Do I want to know?" I asked, unsure of what drama could be unfolding within the pack. Kyle laughed once more.

"Yes. My bet is on you." He said.

"Bet? What's going on out there?" I glanced down at the brush that had woke me up with its tickling edges.

"A race. Between Jack and Eric." Kyle leaned against the open door. "They both requested you join them." He then pointed at the brush I had been staring at. "I suggest slaying that monster of yours first though." Kyle joked as he left the room. Deciding to take on the simple challenge I stroked my hair free of entanglement and headed outside.

"Well, well" Jack began to taunt. "Look who finally decided to join us." He then marked a line, giving an enticing notion for me to come stand behind it.

"Careful tough guy, she may kick the dirt in your mouth while you're lagging behind." Eric said with disdain. I carefully observed my pack, for whatever reason they were all in a good mood. I did, however, notice that Kiran was nowhere to be seen. Before I could mention it Nicole hooked her arm around mine.

"He's resting relax." She reassured as if she had read my mind. With that I figured there wasn't much to be worried about and shoved my foot in the grass.

"What are you guys waiting for?" I bent my knees slightly. "Are we racing on fours?" I got a nod from Eric and transformed. Eric and Jack both had a good chance of winning two legged. They wanted a challenge, but this was impossible. I've never met anyone as fast as me. Nicole moved herself in front of us and raised her right arm.

"Are you guys ready?" She hollered. I glanced up to see Joey with a condescending smile. The three of us stood still anxious for the signal. "Ready? Set?" Nicole was distracted by the runt who came running in at the last minute.

"Wait! What's wrong with you guys?" Luke yelled with excitement. "It's not much of a challenge without me." He squeezed his way in between Jack and Eric. Amused, Nicole put down her arm and placed it on her hip.

"I wouldn't be so cocky runt." She retorted. Luke glared at her and then brushed it off popping his fingers.

"I prefer to say he's a determined individual." Shariee butted in defending her younger brother. "At least that's what mom always said."

"Do I need to get this thing started or are we going to dilly dally around all day?" Jack grew irritable.

"I got this." Nicole raised her hand once more. "Ready? Set?" She let the anticipation rise for a few seconds and then dropped her arm, "Go!" Soft grass absorbed my paws, as we fled several feet ahead. I felt at ease with the subtle condensation that cooled me, breathing in and out. I sprinted ahead, leaving them no chance of catching up to me, all but one person; Eric. He didn't lag too far behind me. I cleared my head, trying to focus.

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