Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


Joey and the rest of the pack came barging in. Eric and Jack lifted Kiran off of me. I paused before getting up; my brother wasn't at all focused on neither Kiran nor me. Instead, Joey's eyes were on the uncovered item. I then saw it; a sword. I began to stand myself up in awe at the beauty the weapon possessed, but the runt ran to me and forced me back down. "Don't do that!" Luke said. "Take it easy." I grew irritable.

"I'm okay runt, really." I tried to reassure him, but of course Luke was never one to give up on debate.

"No you're not." He argued.

"Yes I am." I stood above the runt and pointed over at Kiran. "He's the one who's not okay." I said concerned as I glanced down at him. The back of Kiran's shirt was spotted with burn marks and holes; scorched skin lied underneath. "What exactly happened?" I mumbled at myself. I glanced up at Jack and Eric whom stood above Kiran awaiting for a command; no one knew what to do. "Is he alright?" I asked.

"Why the sudden interest?" Jack questioned. I grunted in response. There was no use wasting my breath, besides Eric tapped in with reasoning.

"He saved her life." Eric answered.

"Evan saved her life too." Jack glared at me with discomfort. "You didn't care about him though, you thought he was an enemy just because he was an Avro. What about Kiran? He's half. Do you only care about half of him?" Jack then picked Kiran up and Eric followed by lifting Kiran's legs off the ground. Jack's words spit at me. There was a lot of commotion between the pack. Joey pulled at my shoulder, calling my name to redirect me from the anger building inside me. I felt the shocks once again.

"You idiot." I muttered, my fist clenching at my side. "You don't get it!" I yelled. Everyone grew quiet as Jack almost dropped Kiran with his mouth open in amazement. The static sensation was back. "It's because of Evan that I do care. In honor of the beloved traitor I refuse to look past anyone no matter what kind of blood runs through their veins." I breathed heavily. "From now on I'm after their hearts." Although I began to let go of my anger and become somber, the hair on my arms stood firm.

"Lorraine." Kiran, incoherent, spoke my name. Everyone stood back up and watched him carefully, I then felt at peace; the electric static that filled the air was gone. Unresponsive to my epiphany Jack got a good grip on Kiran and the two carried him away. Myra followed them in the halls. I turned to face the rest of my pack, especially Joey. I eyed the sword in wonder.

"What is that? And what is happening to me?" I demanded. Joey gave a small chuckle and dusted the sword's handle. Joey glanced up at Kyle giving a notion to escort Shariee and Luke. When all that was left, was Joey, Nicole, and I my brother covered the sword with the black blanket.

"The Lunar sword." He answered. I walked towards him, hoping to get a better look. Joey put his hand out in front of me. "Sorry sis, you're clearly not ready for this."

"But, what is it?" I glanced down at my arms. The static sensation, the electric shocks, could this have something to do with sparking? I tried to dig deep down for anger, for some kind of strong emotion; if I could find it and bring back the electric power from before, then I will know how to spark. I tried focusing on the day my brother and father were kidnapped. I saw Kor. I wanted more than anything to shred him apart in the dark Castle.

"Lorraine, now is not the time for that." Joey said interrupting my thoughts. Somehow he knew what I was attempting. I wanted to prove him wrong, and I felt just the frustration for it; bringing back a few statics here and there.

"I don't think you understand." Nicole said gently. "You can kill us, if you don't learn to control it." Chills ran up my spine, how did I not think of that? Nicole, always easy going, dropped her guard and smiled. "Chin up darling, I know you would never hurt us." I let out a small humming noise. I was eager to get my hands on that blade.

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