My Life 1-4-17

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This is my life so far I have been 13 for a while but yeah enjoy.

I got the news a while ago that we were moving to Arizona in February so I told all my friends today on Email and they were all sad. I didn't want to move but the good news is that after we get to Arizona and my dad gets a straight talk phone. Finally I get a phone with minutes on it. The bad part is that I still have to leave I am not leaving yet but I am still sad I am in the 8th grade which I hate we just got back to school after winter break. I am writing this while I am in school.

1:17 p.m 

I just got done eating and I am very hipper when I eat peaches which I did so this story might be kinda hipper. SO I am probably not gonna update for the rest of today. I am probably gonna update before I leave or after I leave.

Comment below if you want me to update more often.

My Life as 13 (which is how old I am now) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now