I Got SO SCARED I never want to walk home again!!

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I was walking hom when a bully came behind me and I ran then she ran. I said "why are you following me." "I'm not my home is this way." then there was a street. Cars were coming so I ran and she ran her name was Kathy. Then I ran on the sidewalk cause I was scared she also ran. I told her "it seems like your following me cause you are running when I am running why?" "cause I want to." so i kept walking. After that I turned around in a couple seconds she pulled my hair that was in a ponytail and made me fall to the ground. I got up crying saying "please let me go home I am sorry just let me go." "I was going to fight you but I pulled your hair instead be careful what you say." while she was saying that I kept interrupting. I kept saying let me go home please I am so sorry won't do anything again. She finally let me go so I kinda speed walked home crying so much. My orange cat I hate scared me then I knocked on my papa's basement door. He said "who is it." I said "its Sierra." "go to the front door." he said. Then he opened the door I was still crying I told him everything he said "you tell your dad when he comes home." "okay." he also said "you shouldn't be walking anymore either." then I went to my room. I went to the bathroom I was shaking so badly still crying. It is 4:59 while I am writing this since I have no internet at home. I was walking home from play practice that ended at 4:30 P.M. so yeah. After that Kathy was walking home and I kept looking behind me to make sure she wasn't following me. Then that happened. I don't want to walk anywhere alone again I am so scared now. I told my dad and my dad said "we can't tell the cops they will think it is a she said he said." you u say something and isn't true. This is true he also said " can't tell the school since it wasn't on the school property." I hate how no one can do anything about it. I could tell their parents but I don't know where she lives. Kathy is also the one who is my friend then isn't my friend. I hate her she is so rude and she made me feel scared. I just wanna make her know how its feels. I wanna fight her but I can't I don't know how too wish I did. If I did I would beat her up or at least defend myself. I wish I could show you how much I was crying but I don't feel like it (BTW this half where it starts at I told my dad the date is 1-28-17. Before that the date was 1-27-17.)

Also Next time she does that I will pull off my backpack and hit her with it or punch her or trip her I will do anything to protect me. Me and My GF are her main bully targets. I AM TIRED OF IT!!!!! My dad is still making me walk home too so yeah. She told my GF when she pulled my hair she was defending herself. She wasn't I know it. My friend said "Kathy is dead." I am so scared.

Stay Safe


My Life as 13 (which is how old I am now) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now