Oklahoma!!!!!! :O 1-11-17

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OK I got the news yesterday that we are not moving to Arizona but................... WE ARE STILL MOVING. We are moving to Oklahoma there is good news and bad news about it.

GOOD NEWS :) - Oklahoma isn't that far from Kansas.

BAD NEWS :( - We are still moving and I don't want to leave.

I am sad and happy but mostly sad and today was awesome.


Today we has a 1st semester assembly and OMG I was so nervous. I had to stand up where I was sitting look towards the parents for a photo op. My parents weren't there because I didn't know about it so this is what I had to stand where was sitting for and go up to the stage so they could take pics for there Facebook page. So here they are.

Honor Roll - 1st and 2nd Quarter

Art Club 


Writing Club

Citizen Ship - which means I did nothing bad never got in trouble at school

Those are the things I had to stand up for I was so nervous i had no idea why I was.

My Life as 13 (which is how old I am now) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now