All My Friends!!!!

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These are all my friends

1. Ashley

2. Kaitlyn

3. Kathy

4. Jordan

5. Stephanie

6. Hannah

7. Victoria

8. Robert

9. Amayia

That is all My friends that help me. They help me get through the drama and heartache that is in Middle School. I love all of you and I hope even when I move we will still be able to reach each other.

I love you all I hope after I leave you will still have great lives. 

1. Ashley- I love you to the moon and back and you know that. Even though I move we will have that special connection. Never loose that necklace if you keep that necklace remember I am always with you. I hope you will never forget me.

2. Kaitlyn- My BFF even if we have different opinions or argue over the dumbest stuff we will still be friends. I hope when I move you will still keep in touch with me on text.

3. Kathy- Me and you have that friend not friend friend again relationship. We become friends then unfriend each other than friend each other again. I kinda think it is funny but who knows mabeye we can keep in touch. 

4. Jordan- You have always been the one who said "I will fight them if they hurt you." I am so thankful for that. I love having a friend that will beat someone up if they hurt me since I am not a fighter. It is true I am not a fighter.

5. Stephanie- You are the one that is the one that will hold my hand if I really need to hold someone's hand. When I freak out over fan fiction you will listen to me and freak out with me. I just love having that bond with you.

6. Hannah- You are the one who introduced me to Aphmau I am very thankful for that. I will love that we can keep in touch on text message since I am getting a phone with minutes. I would love to keep in touch with you.

7. Victoria- You are the one that always made me laugh and would get in trouble for me. You are the one that will always be the joker. I love how you make me laugh at the stupidest things.

8. Robert- You are a friend that after 7th grade I knew that you would be a great friend. And when I told Steph that we should have a fun school family She said "okay.". The next day I was her daughter when she told me you were my dad I was yelling. Then when I saw you at the dance I ran up to you to give you a hug since I never see you. I hope we can keep in touch.

9. Amayia- You were the one who helped me with my relationship. And I helped you with yours. We had that I help you you help me relationship I hope we can keep in touch after I leave.

I really hope all of you read this and get very very happy. If that was very cheesy the oh well cause I guess I am cheesy.

Bye Bye,


My Life as 13 (which is how old I am now) CompletedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora