Chapter 2

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"We gonna do it the way it says in the packet, so quit acting childish" He said, while looking down at me straight in the face.

I couldn't help but think, why would he want to spend time with me? I most certainly do not look like Tamika, and I am not interested in getting to know him.

I brushed passed him and hit his shoulder, though I instantly regretted it.

He grabbed my arm back,"Look you don't have to put up a front around me, if you don't want to work together it's cool. Let me know so I could switch partners."

I stared at him and then back at his hand,
He quickly let go.

"Okay fine," I sighed and took out my phone from my back pocket and went to put in a new contact.

"What's your number?"

His eyes lit up in surprise and he took out his phone. I couldn't help but notice, how large his hands were.

"You know I could pay to get that fixed." I motioned at the cracks on his phone.

"Didn't I say you was good?"
I nodded my head, awkwardly and waited for him to hand me back my phone.

I checked my watch.
It was already 9:24, and I had up till 10 o'clock before I could go home.

This was only one of the advantages that I had.

I was not a valedictorian but I did have a strong GPA, and high test scores. Which allowed me to have work study and shorter days.

He handed me back my phone, and I handed his back.

I pulled down on my sweater and turned to pull open the cafeteria door.

A group of his friends busted through to me and straight to him.

"Yo son why you out here, actin' mad suspect and shit?"

One of the boys asked him, I think his name was Kenny, he was dark skinned and short with the smoothest set of waves, I had ever seen.

"Nigga your hair line acting suspect." Jo-Vaughn replied.

"Ahh shit, Flaaaameee ooonnnn" one of the them screamed. It was at least the six of them, and I was backed up in a corner.

"Nigga they had an amber alert for yo hairline." One of the boys yelled out.

"Bitch go on Disney Channel cause your hairline is the start of something new." Kenny pointed at Jo-Vaughn.

"Nigga Yo hairline is hibernating for the winter, yo barber is in horror movies. Your hairline was playing-
Wait my fault.
Pulled the wrong card and moved back 5 spaces on that forehead." Jo-Vaugn flicked Kenny's head back with hand. 

"Ahhhhhhh he murdered yo ass" they screamed.

I laughed silently at the salty look on Kenny's face.

Though I think that was the wrong move.

Kenny turned around faced me.

"Oh hell naahh. I know your precious looking ass ain't laughing."

Soon all eyes were on me.

I looked at Kenny then back at
Jo-Vaughn, who had an unreadable expression on his face.

I cut my eyes at him and walked in the cafe.

"Wait," Kenny called out.

"Behind every fat girl, there is a beautiful girl." He smiled.

"No seriously, your fat ass always be in the way."

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