Chapter 6

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Abby's Pov

"So he asked you out?!"

Spencer was sitting down on my yellow bean bag chair.

She had came over since this morning, to fully hear what I had already explained to her on the phone.

"Yes Spence, it's really not that serious." I rolled my eyes.

Jo-Vaughn was cute and all, but I am not about to hype him up as if he were some god.

Plus I don't think he was asking me out. Now that I fully thought about it, it was just a nice way to get some answers from me, for the assignment.

So just to be on the safe side, I put my notebook and pens in my purse.

"Oh so you have multiple goons callin' you baby girl?" She smirked.

"No because that's corny as hell, like out of all the names he could've said, baby girl? Give me a damn break." I closed my laptop and pressed my back against the headboard.

"Girl bye, let's be real. Jo-Vaughn does not seem like the type to be going around expressin' how he feels."

She picked at her baby blue, acrylic nails.

"He didn't express nothing to me, and I still don't trust him."

Looking out the window, the sky was getting darker by the minute.

"Just because he hangs out with fleas, doesn't make him one too." She said in a duh tone.

"What you plan on wearing?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

If it wasn't for my aunt and her kids coming over for dinner today, I would have canceled and stayed at home.

I didn't hate them, I loved them believe me. At times I just think the only reason I do is because I have to, they're family.

Besides another part of me actually wanted to hear what Jo-Vaughn had to say.

"I think you should wear that denim dress." Spencer pointed out in my closet. I had bought that dress months ago, but never wore it because it was strapless.

"Girl bye, you know how I feel about my arms." I got up and took it off the hanger.

I did not want Jo-Vaughn thinking that I thought of this as a date, so I wanted to dress as casual as possible.

"Spencer baby, your momma on the line." My mom yelled out.

Spencer rolled her eyes and got up from the bean bag.

"I hate when she does that, she know damn well I ain't tryin' to be there when her husband and all them kids come home."

"Why didn't she just call you on your phone?" I took off my bonnet.

"Girl I don-" She stopped and a mortified look appeared on her face.

"Abby oh hell nah."

I touched my face, having no idea what she was looking at.

"Just make sure you don't leave with them turd lookin' shits on yo head."

I rolled my eyes and entangled one of my twists.

"Just because you shaved your hair off doesn't mean you need to come for mine. You is a hater." I pointed at her.

She reapplied her dark lipstick.

"I can tell you haven't been educated."

I threw my hands up and waited for to finish.

"Because you would have known that knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit but wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad." She came over and patted me on my forehead before smoothing out her jeans.

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