Chapter Six

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It was hours later when Ezra awoke from the first undisturbed sleep he'd had in weeks. In his groggy state, it took his mind a few moments to register the sirens and blaster fire he was hearing.

His first thought was Kanan, but he slumped back as he remembered his and the others' deaths.

Must be a drill.

Ezra closed his eyes, despair sinking in. He'd hoped that Hera had survived, but yesterday--or whenever it had been--had dashed that hope to the durasteel tiling.

He thought about meditating, but he didn't feel as if he could focus. The sounds were getting louder, and his brain seemed to be twisting the sound of blasters into the sound of a lightsaber. He could even hear Kanan yelling "Come on!"

He wanted to cry. He hadn't cried in nine years.


Kanan redirected a laser back towards the trooper that fired it with his lightsaber while Sabine tried to find out Ezra's position on the console.

"Almost got it."

Kanan glanced back at her. "Make it quick. This is a big ship, remember? There'll be a lot of troopers coming down these halls in a few moments."

"Working on it! it! Let's go!"

They fought their way to the elevators, where Sabine pressed level AA50.

"Do you know where you're going?"

She cast him a quick glance which must have been annoyed under her helmet. "Of course I know. Are you--sure--are you sure he's here?"

Kanan closed his eyes, seeking inside the Force for Ezra.

His eyes flew open within a few seconds. "Oh, he's here, alright."

The elevator opened, and they flew out, Sabine leading the way.

Down hallways, left, right, straight, right again. It seemed to take forever, but finally Sabine stopped. "He should be in here. Kanan?" The hope and apprehension in her voice was contagious, and he closed his eyes one more time, searching.

"He's there."

He moved his hand, opening the door.
Ezra hung in restraints, shirtless. An ugly scar sat in the middle of his stomach, and he didn't seem to be awake.

"Ezra!" Sabine cried out, running into the cell and grabbing his arm. He roused, and looked down at her. He looked confused, then his face relaxed. "I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't save you. I'm sorry."

Kanan quickly stepped forward, and Ezra looked over at him. "You were right. I was unfocused. It's my fault you're dead. I know now that you were right to try to get Luminara for my master. I had no right forcing you to teach me."

He slumped back down, then, and Kanan could tell he was unconscious again. His words...they made no sense. He thought they were dead? He thought he was burdening Kanan, forcing him to teach the boy? Or was that just his delusional mind? It was clear the boy was sick.

Sabine pulled her helmet off, and looked at him, worried. "What was he talking about?"

Kanan moved his hand, unlocking the restraints, and quickly caught Ezra.
"No time to figure that out. We have to move. Now!"

Sabine quickly put her helmet back on, and they headed back the way they'd come.

He didn't even bother with his com, positive that the Imperials would have it jammed.

"You think Zeb and Chopper got to the control room?"

Sabine's question made him remember why Zeb and her weren't in reverse roles right now. Sabine's insistence to come along. His brow furrowed slightly. He couldn't understand where the sudden stubbornness had come from. And about Ezra!

"I don't know, but we can't worry about that until we get to the Phantom. Let's go!"

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