Chapter 2- Officially but soon

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Jesse awoke to the ringing sound of his phone buzzing away at the side of his bed.

With a grunt, he rolled over and reached for the sleek black company sponsored phone.

"Howdy, Mcree, "

"Jesse wake up. The mission is starting now . Get your lazy ass off the bed and suit up. Call me back when your ready. "

The line went dead.

With another unwilling grunt Jesse then rolled off his bed, staggering into the bathroom.

He looked and stared at the mirror for a few moments, recollection of the previous night starting to surface in his mind.

That man he was under was small but...surprisingly well built. He had a pontail tied up high with strands of wild black hair poked out from his head like little feelers.

Hanzo, he remembered the name. And Shimada as well. It was a well known clan all over the world, even made its way to America.

Jesse then sighed and moved on to strapping up his chest plate, flipping his red serepe over his shoulder.

He then tapped his fingers on the number pad and called the line he always did to contact Gabriel for business. Personal stuff? You'll have to find the man himself.

"Ello Gabe, what's goin on? "

"We received news that your room was infiltrated, are you okay? "

The gruff voice was deep and shows solitude, yet it was unable to hide the concern seeping through cracked corners.

"You betcha'. If not I ain't be standing here talkin' to ya'. So what's e mission? "

"It's a protection plan and stated earlier, you are required to keep Hanzo Shimada alive for the next 2 weeks. He is strong and able to fend for himself, after all he is the head of the Shimada clan, but one is always human, "

The sentence ended with the voice going grim, as if Gabriel understood what it meant to be that.

"Wait, Hanzo Shimada? Like the Japanese dude? "

Jesse asked, voice raising a little, not believing the coincidence.

"Yes. Now immediately you are to pack and checkout of the hotel. Head to the Shimada household. The address has been sent to you."

His phone buzzed.

"That's all for now, call me tonight and I'll do a debriefing. "

The line went dead.

Jesse sighed loudly, deciding to plummet face first into the pillows and enjoying its fluffiness while it lasts.

Who knows, this might be the last time he might ever even see an actual bed. The series of events from the previous night came back like a huge wave, a magnitude higher than 10 on the scale, overwhelming Jesse almost knocking him over.

Holy crap, he thought, I just flirted with my future client.

But, being Jesse Mccree, he decided to go with it since it already happened. I mean hey, he is Jesse Mccree after all, being the big flirt everyone knew he as.

Who could resist those frayed locks of hazel and the glistening gleam in his eyes making his chestnut eyes look all the more crystalline. He was practically a jewel. But if you think he was the tamable one, you just only know that little about the man himself from the wild wild west.

Scrambling to his feet, Jesse made a beeline fro the toilet and quickly took check of himself. No, the beard is coming out, he should probably shave it just this once for this client. He was still representing Overwatch as Blackwatch's name wasn't really used publicly.

With a splash, he steppes out of the bathroom with a towel draped across his shoulders.

"Damn, I look like werewolf straight outta town, "

He was referring to his chest hair, in case you didn't know.

Then a ring came from the door bell and Jesse made his way cautiously over. Old habits die hard.

He looked through the peeping hole and just saw a small but sharp looking staff holding a hanger from a vacuum bag.

He slowly unchained the door and twisted the knob.

The lady's name was Kady, she gave him a thorough look over and nodded to him, holding out the bag before walking away with a bow.

Puzzled Jesse closed the door and proceeded to the toilet once more, this time unzipping the bag revealing a two piece suit neatly ironed.

His phone buzzed and a message came from Gabriel, basically explaining everything.

Wear the suit Jesse, you'll need it. And try not to look too formal, look natural, the Shimadas hate try hards. Please don't cause anymore trouble.

Jesse buffed, it wasn't like he could say no to his boss. He quickly slipped out of his clothes and carefully pulled on the expensive and hella sweet outfit.

He buttoned the pristine white shirt all the way to the top and tightened the red tie around it until it fit snugly. His vest which was black like Hanzo's eyes- wait, eyes? Hanzo? Hell, what the hell.

He looked over himself in the mirror again. No. His head keeps telling him no. And for once he listened to Reyes.

He pulled the red tie down and unbuttoned his shirt down by four buttons to show a peak of his chest hair. He tightened his vest till it showed the curve of his back just nicely.

He ran a hand through his hair and tousled it, earning him a true, deliciously seductive look.

He bit his lip several times and it looked red as if he was kissed raw.

"The hell am I even doing... I ain't gonna go whoop up some chick why am I like so... "

He sighed.

Sometimes life's problems can't always be understood.

Jesse sucked in a deep breath, tucked in his tummy and puffed his chest out. He slung his serepe like a normal scarf for once down by the sides and patted his battered cowboy hat on his soft brown locks.


He said to the mirror, a small smirk tearing at the tip of his lips. Tonight's gonna be swell.


Hi guys it's me again :×

So sorrryyyy for the late update;; gave you a super long one this time haha:3

Next update would come at least next week or so! So do stay with me!!

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