Chapter 5- Arcade Goals

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Nerf this!
-Hana Song 🐰


Jesse walked all the way from the Shimada residence to the midst of town, taking him nearly 20 minutes.

He was almost blinded by the bright neon lights flashing, some saying 云吞面 (wanton noodles) and other food names and oh,massage.

Jesse didn't know where to start. He was as new as a week old weed in the field, Hanamura was just bustling.

Gravel crunched under his foot as he took long and big strides on the side road. Jesse was technically a giant there, with the people around him at least a head shorter than him.

He slung his cowboy hat to the back of his neck, ruffling his hair a little to blend in, I mean who sees a cowboy in the middle of Japan? Cosplay? Haha funny.

McCree passes by an arcae store when he heard a commotion coming from inside once the glass door slid open.

"Get her Genji! Get that girl! "

"Kick him there! Do that combo and end him D. VA! "

Puzzled, Jesse wondered into the arcade, a computerised voice greeted him upon setting foot into the store. He was deafened by his surroundings, the flashing lights and deafening sound of VICTORY when a player wins the game.

He headed over to the source of noise, apparently where everyone was huddled at. Upon a closer look, the gamers were all crowding around two stations of what seems to be 'Street Fighter', a girl with long brown hair and two thick whiskers plastered on each of her cheek.

Her bangs were sweeped to the side, a pink hoodie with a rabbit stuck on her back, a wide toothed grin slicing through her face.

To Jesse's surprise, her opponent was none other than Genji-kun, the ninja was too tall for the console, hunched over with that green head bobbing up and down once in a while to catch his opponent's expression.



Genji gave a triumphant fist pump into the air and stood from his seat. His fans started to cheer, scream, slap him on his back and all the other type of winning gestures. He swiped a finger across his nose and looked down on the Hana Song that was face planted to the game's console.

"That was a good game Miss Hana! Hope we can play together some other time! Either on the same or opposite teams, I would be glad to play!"

Hana then immediately shot up from her metal stool and thrusted her hand out. She had another grin on her face, not the one that she wore during the match but more of the 'I'll definitely get you next time' type.

"Ill definitely get you next time Shimada-san!"

Genji gripped her hand tight and shook it, looking straight into her hazel eyes, promising something not said verbally.

He then turned and caught McCree's eyes, to which McCree did a small salute to, took long and big strides to him and slapped his shoulders.

"McCree-san! Did you see that just now?"

Jesse nodded at him and smiled softly at the same time.

"Sure as hell did Genji-kun. You were basically killing the console!"

Jesse patted his head, Genji being slightly shorter than him, it wasn't that much of a feeling but Genji immediately beamed at the compliment. Seriously, doesn't this kid get any compliments?

The crowd slowly started to disperse as Jesse and Genji made their way out of the arcade. They stepped outside, a cool breeze greeted them, Jesse's hair whipping in the wind. He guessed it was about time that he cut it. When was the last time he cut it, or ever let someone that close to his head?

"McCree-san, a penny for your thoughts?"


Jesse looked down onto his shoes before staring at Genji. Fluorescent light stained on Genji, his white robes reflecting off the neon coloured signs. His hair which was painfully geled back was starting to defy its original order, now sticking out in all directions, bangs hanging slightly above his eyebrows.

"Nah, just wonderin bout your bro. You guys don't talk much? "

Genji gave Jesse this heart wrenching smile, although it was like any other smile he gives this lacks... Life, or energy behind it.

"More like arguing McCree-san. And it seems anija has taken a liking to you! "

Genji slapped him on the shoulder hard causing Jesse to jump.

"Liking... Huh,"

Jesse muttered under his breath, his mind drifting somewhere, back into the room, back to Hanzo. Genji must have noticed him not paying attention yet continued, giving dramatic waving and kicks once in awhile to exaggerate his point.

In no time, the two of them seemingly reached home. As in home stay. Genji gave the guards a playful smile and went over to fist bump them, Jesse tailing closely behind just in case the guards decided that he was rather a ... bad influence for Genji.

Mio met them at the entrance again, although now she knew Jesse, her polite look was completely gone and a scowl was plastered on her face instead.

"Genji! Watashi mo ite dayo! *sigh* mo, jikan ga nai, haiyaku fuku! And Jesse, please hurry back to your room, the yukata has been prepared for you,"

*Genji! Didn't I tell you already! Sigh, never mind, there's not enough time, hurry up the clothes! *

"Uh wait Mio, I ain't know how ta wear a... "

But it was too late. She was already scurrying down the wooden hallways, floorboard creaking under her and Genji's weight as she reprimanded the young master who seemed to not mind but instead found the scolding amusing.

"...a yukata... "

Jesse huffed out a breath, peeling his boots off once more and hurried down the hallway as well.

Aw shit man, which one was it? Is it the one near the pond or across the garden?

Luckily, thanks to Jesse's awesome shot at luck, the door her chose to threw open was his... But someone who wasn't supposed to be there was.

"Hanzo? I mean, Mr. Shimada, whatcha doin here? I mean not that u mind, "

Jesse spoke, smirking as he slid the door close behind him. Hanzo seemed to further furrow his eyebrows which nearly drew and connected together.

"It's no time for flirtation cowboy, get over here and disrobe yourself. The piece Mio chose for you will be difficult to put on, "

Hanzo spat, immediately moving on to the robe which hang on a dummy, delicately pulling it off with ever so much care and tenderness be could afford.

"Aye aye captain'"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2017 ⏰

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