Chapter 3- Finally

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"Y'all gotta be ridin my balls now, "

He got off exactly at the address Reyes sent him. Checked out and remembered to give Kady a smile when he saw her at the desk, thinking what hell she went through for her personality.

Kady though, being Kady, nodded and shot him a small but appreciative smile.

He gotten into the taxi, not to his surprise, the driver was very reluctant to go to his destination. After all, he was stepping foot into clan territory.

Jesse brushed his fingers over Peacekeeper which latched to his pocket belt snugly. It gave him comfort and at the same time brought few words from Ana.

Soon he reached, he paid the driver and thanked him with a smile, which in return all he gotten was a scowl which so much reminded him of the man he was going to meet and was shooed out of the vehicle.

Clouds and pillows of grey smoke left him in a rush and he was alone. All alone in front of a menacing big red door.

The Shimada name was engraved into the vast doors, men wearing traditional looking yukatas guarded them, a fierce and deathly looking frown on their face.

Jesse adjusted his hat, took a deep breath, and ventured forward.

Though without even taking 3 steps, 2 burly looking man stepped up to him,  holding out their hands as if to stop McCree.

"We need to ask your business here Mr...?"

The taller of the men spoke up, eyebrows raising in question as he asked for Jesse's last name.

"The name's McCree. Y'all supposed to be expectin me with Mr. Shimada here? "

His hand starts to gesture a sort of 'you know what I mean' hand sign, hoping that they got it. I mean, look at those hands, they could snap his neck as easily in a snap of their fingers.

The taller man whispered to the other and then nodded, stepping aside from each other showing McCree in. He held out a hand, staring at McCree's Peacekeeper.

"The gun McCree-san, and do not worry,  we would keep it safe till tonight's dinner and would be returned to you the following day should you prove not to be a threat. "

That just scared Jesse shitless again.

He hesitated for a moment. Peacekeeper's all he got. Without her he'll just be a man with nothing but words.

But these dudes don't look like they were giving him a choice.

Jesse could feel a drip of sweat roll down the side of his face as he unlatched the gun and reluctantly place it lightly into the man's palm.

He looked satisfied, and finally let McCree in. Upon reaching the red door, the two guards that were there scowled at him and with a push of their well built arms , the large doors creaked open showing the secret beauty hiding behind it.

It was a typical palace, Japanese style.  It's roof tiles seemed to be painted recently, white on the roofs reflecting the sun rays off making the whole house glow.

It's consisted of 4 levels,  each separated by thick wooden poles and normal green bamboo ones.

Jesse was greeted by two ladies donning simple looking kimonos, nothing more than a pin with a cherry blossom dotting it in their tightly bunned up hair.

He tipped his hat at them, giving them his sweetest smile earning a blush from them and kept their heads low as they led him into the mouth of the majestic dragon.

They walked past several wooden doors, he was made to abandon his kick boots, much to his dismay. The floor creaked under his weight as he proceeded forward. Many servants whizzed past them then disappearing, practically giving Jesse the feel that the house was abandoned with no one but the 3 of them in it.

Picture Perfect (Mchanzo fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें