Past to Present part 1

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Normal talk and narration




I don't own Naruto or any of its characters. I only own the story line, made up characters, and some of the songs/poems that will be in some of the chapters. Well thats all on with the chapter!


                                                                           Sakura's POV

I was walking around quickly cleaning the house before our parents would be home. I could hear Saki playing and laughing. I loved her laugh.. Then I heard a scream and ran to the kitchen. When I got there the sight I saw was horrifying.. Saki was all beat up and unconscious in some mans arms. The man had dark black hair, and deep brown eyes. When i looked in to his eyes all I saw was pain and suffering. It was as if this man didn't know what happiness is.. as if to him it didn't even exist. The man then glared at me making me back away. The next thing I saw was blackness. It engulfed me so fast. It was cold I could feel the rather large goosebumps on my arms as I tried to warm myself up....

I jumped up out of bed in a cold pool of sweat. I could feel the cold tears running down my pail face. Knowing I wouldn't get any more sleep I looked at my clock on the nightstand. "5:30" I thought. "I guess I could start getting ready now. I don't want to be late to my first real mission above a D rank." I finished thinking. I got out of bed and walked into my bathroom. It was one of the only things left of mine that was still pink. I dreaded the color pink. It was Saki's favorite color, and with my hair being pink I really had to watch out for her. Well, that was 'till she realized that her hair was also pink.  I quickly cleared my head and stepped into the warn shower. It felt so nice, the hot water running down my cold shaking body. 

When I was done showering I left the bathroom in a hurry realizing that I spent more time in the shower then I initially wanted to. I quickly grabbed my ninja outfit (Its the same as the one in the anime but a really dark blue. Its looks almost black). I took the brush through my hair a few times, grabbed my bag and ran downstairs. When I entered the kitchen my dream came back to me. I started to stumble, then I fell into the counter corner. (A/N Sakura had been running). I looked at my side and saw it starting to turn black and blue. "That's just great!" I said out loud. I quickly grabbed some Chakra tablets and ran out the door. I was running latter the Kakashi sense and that's hard to do. 

"My side is killing me!" I accidentally said out as I reached the gates.     

"SAKURA-CHAN!" I heard Naruto shout, "Why does your side hurt?" I then heard him ask.

"......." I didn't say anything.

"I would like to know that, too." Kakashi sense said, "So Sakura if you don't mind explaining as we start this mission." He finished. 

"Hn," was all Sasuke said. I had dropped the -kun part so long ago. Its not that I don't still like him its just.. complicated. We started walking, and I didn't wast anytime to zone out. 

"Hey outer!" My inner me shouted.

"What inner?" I asked annoyance clear in my 'voice'. 

"Well they are all staring at you." Inner said in a matter-of-fact tone. 

I sighed then 'said', "bye inner." More annoyed then before.

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