The 'Sleepover'

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Ok guys, I know I keep saying"I'll update in the next three days" and then never do, but I promise I'll try my very best to. Also I've decided that the sleepover/team building exercise thing will be more of them playing random games and might go into being more like a girls sleepover then like a team building exercise. It's kinda like a filler episode. Anyways I don't own Naruto. :-(


 Sakura's POV

We all arrived at Hinata's at the same time... exactly 6:00. I looked around at the other two and it didn't look like either of them were going to knock, so being the person I am I pounded on the door. I'm kinda like Hinata I guess, except I don't stutter. But I only really talk around them, anyone else and I'm like a mute. Finally Neji came and opened the door... Wait! Neji.. why did he open the door? Don't they have like a million servents.. Oh, wait.. thst's right. "Neji is from the branch house, haha!" 

"Excuse me Haruno.." I looked up to see Neji giving me a glare that would send the Akatsuki  running. 

"Did I say that out loud?" I quickly asked. Shikamaru, Ten Ten, and Neji all nodded and said "Yeah/Yes Haruno." I quickly apologized and then we fallowed Neji to the room that we would be staying in. 


After we were all settled in and Hinata was filled in about what happened at the door we ended up sitting in a circle. It was so boring and Neji was still giving me the death glare. Finally someone spoke up.

"We should do a game of like truth or dare for the first exercise!" Ten Ten shouted.

"Troublesome woman this is not one of your girls dumb sleepovers." Shikamaru said.

"I agree with Shikamaru," Neji added.

"Well we think this will be a good idea and very helpful," Hinata said, practically reading my mind.

"Fine," The boys said rolling there eyes. 

"But, I get to ask the first question and the first round is only truth," Neji added in. A roud of "Okays" and "Fines" were heared around the room.

"Okay Haruno," Neji started. Now I was worried. "Because Naruto keeps asking us for some reason and I'm also interested, who was that little girl? How did she know you? What did she mean by 'Wasn't your full strength'? And what secrets are you keeping from us?" I wanted to point out that that was way more then one question but the looks on everyones faces said that they wanted to know too. 

I took a deep breath in and started my story....


Okay, I know it was short, but in the next chapter your going to learn more about Sakura. Also, the reason they keep getting paired together as a team is because they are doing missions kinda like anbu but lower then anbu. So, the missions are higher then the average jonin but lower then anbu. Also, in the next chapter after sakura finishes her story your going to be in for what I hope will be a good little surprise.  Please Like and Review.

Love ya all. 

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