Past to Present part 2

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Normal talk and narration




I don't own Naruto or any of its characters. I only own the story line, made up characters, and some of the songs/poems that will be in some of the chapters. Well thats all on with the chapter!



We all heard the explosion in the distance. When we got there what I saw devastated me, but who I saw made me fall to my knees.

I looked up and shouted...


Sasuke POV

I watched as Sakura looked up after falling to her knees. The terror and hate in her eyes told me everything. Then I heard her shout "Give me back Saki you dang monster!" That's when I saw a little girl with pink hair. I knelled down by Sakura. 

"Sakura, look behind him." I said quietly. It took her a minuet before she looked, then she stood up.

"S.. Sa... SAKI!" Sakura screamed out with more tears escaping. Then she started running forward, and when she was about halfway the little girl jumped down. Sakura and Saki stood face to face. 

Naruto POV

I was shocked when I heard Sakura-chan shouting. The thing that shocked me the most was the little girl who looked like a younger version of Sakura. I was try to figure this all out and that just made me more confused.

"Sak.." I started to shout Sakura's name, but my father stopped me. I looked at him with confusion. I'm guessing that my father noticed my confusion because he took a deep breath. 

"Son," My father started. "You can't interfere with Sakura and Saki."

"Who's Saki and how do you know her?" I then asked. Once again my father sighed.

"Haruno, Saki the younger sister of Haruno, Sakura. Saki was almost killed and kidnapped by a man when she was 4. Sakura was watching her (Sakura was 11) a year ago when a strange man came and took her. Thats all I am allowed to tell you." My father explained.

"Was this all last year?" I asked. 

"Yes Naruto," my father answered. "Why do you ask?" He then asked. 

"Because last year was when Sakura-chan suddenly changed." I answered sadly. 

Sakura's pov

I stood there face to face with my baby sister, well with who I thought was my baby sister. But her normal beautiful jade green eyes were dull and lifeless. It was like all her emotions were taken and sealed away. I was on the verge of tears, but no. I promised myself not to cry anymore. I opened my mouth to say something when Saki took out a kunai and ran towards me (there was about three feet between the two).  At first I didn't know what to do, this was my little innocent sister! Then I felt it, something warm running down my forearm. I looked down to see a crimson red liquid.. blood. I knew that I would have to fight her. I took up my stance and readied myself. She attacked again. I didn't think she would be this good already, and I didn't want to have to hurt her. I was only fighting at about 1/3 of my strength, and I guess she could tell.

"Dang it Sakura-nii-chan! Fight me at full strength!" Saki shouted.

"No!" I screamed back.

"Do it, or I'll tell them ALL the truth!" She yelled back.

"You wouldn't!" I hollered out.

"I bet none of you know the truth about Haruno Sakura! Well here it is sh...." I cut her off before she could say anything by attacking her.  I heard a maniacal laugh and then Saki touched the blood running down her cheek.

"Now that's better, but still not full strength," She laughed out.


Kakashi's POV

  "Now that's better, but still not full strength," She laughed out. 

I looked between the two Haruno girls, and only got more confused. Sakura was already showing more strength then ever, and that still wasn't all her power. I decided to look around, and judging by the looks on EVERYONE else's faces this was also new information.

"Hey, old man! What does mini Sakura-chan mean by that's not all of Sakura-chan's strength?" Noruto asked rather loudly.

"Naruto, to tell the truth I don't know either. She is just as much a mystery to me as she is to you." The fourth answered.

"Sakura-chan is not a mystery to me!!" Naruto shouted back, killing my left eardrum.

"Okay, Naruto if Sakura isn't a mystery to you who is the little girl, whats her favorite color, her middle name, her greatest fear, who does she love, who are her best friends, what is her dream, what does she like, what does she dislike, and what is her secret?" I asked rather quickly.

Naruto look dumbfounded for a millisecond then answered faster then I asked, "The little girl is obviously her younger sister, her favorite color is obliviously pink, no one ever said she has a middle name, Sakura-chan has no fears, she obviously loves the Teme, I'm obviously her bestfriend, sakura-chans dream is to be a strong shinobi (Sp?), she likes dango, her friends and family, and she dislikes mean people, and her secret is a secret and not meant to be shared!" I was a little shocked to say the least. Not because I thought he wasn't going to answer but a.) he somehow said that all in one breath b.) it was rather quiet smart for Naruto and C.) it made since. But then I remembered back to when Sakura first introduced herself.  

My name is Haruno Sakura, I like training and dango, I dislike people who hold themselves higher then others, and my dream is none of your business." She had stated rather coldly.

Now that I think about it that is one of the only times I've seen Sakura be cold.



I know, not the best place to stop, but the chapter was almost 1000 words, and I never have anything to type if I make them to long. Don't worry, I already know what's going to happen in the next chapter, but there will be a LOT of time skips. Please comment it really makes my day. Love ya all!


Next chapter:

??? POV

"What was that?"

??? POV

"Sakura.. what are you hiding?"

??? POV


??? POV

"What happened?"

"The chunin (Sp?) exams?"

"Sasuke how could you?"

So I made changes to the first two chapters because they didn't fit in with how I've decided to write the story. Oh, and the reason Naruto is so confused is because he wasn't really listening to Sakura's story, but he tried his best.

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