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Here are some simple rules for beginners in xreaders:

Y/N = Your Name

H/C = Hair Color

H/L=Hair Length

E/C=Eye Color

H/S=Hair style

I will add more of this throughout the story.

There are various important things I want you to know and  keep in mind:

1. I am not going to put pictures of OC's because I want you to imagine everything. I want you to picture how you look like, what you wear and so on. Transformation and accessories included, with the attempt to look similar to Lolirock's.

 2. I really hope you have at least have seen season 1, if you haven't  please do so now.  I am going to make a few changes to the original story to suit it best to your OC. 

3. I will need your patience. Not all writers can finish one chapter overnight and then start another, especially if you're checking up on every single event in the original show.

4. I would like to know your opinion and vote in this page  if your OC is to have Shanilla in the xreader:

Yes! (vote here)

No (vote here)

5. Last but not least, in the next two chapters I have posted a few pictures of slave bracelets and medallions in different colors.  I would like you to choose one bracelet and one medallion, the reason will come later on in the story:

Lolirock: Mephisto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now