Chapter 2: Crumbling of Leaves

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Carl walked away with his hand on his face, regretting his decision to let her go. Enid was the only girl Carl had met that was his age since Sophia passed. And even besides that, Carl truly cared about Enid, more than anyone knew.

He's seen Enid go over the wall thousands of times, but she always, well usually, came back. It's hard for him to believe that she's now gone for good, and he didn't try to stop her.

Carl stopped walking once he heard a loud grumbling sound coming from his stomach. He continued the walk to his house until he reached it and dug in the refrigerator until he spotted eggs on the door of the fridge. He got out a pan, turned on the stove, and made scrambled eggs.

He sat in a chair and began to eat when thoughts started rolling through his head. He felt stupid, like a bad friend, like he should have stopped her. He needed to go after her, needed to find her and bring her home. Which is when he remembered that his dad, Michonne, and Daryl were going on a run that day.

He jumped out of his seat and ran up the stairs to Rick's room, where Rick was sitting on his bed, tying the laces of his boots.

"I'm coming with you and Daryl and Michonne. I want to help", Carl told his father.

Rick stopped what he was doing and looked up at Carl. "Okay," he replied to his son. "but we're leaving soon, so be ready." Carl nodded and went next door to his room.

He went through his closet, looking for anything he might need, but the things that he needed were stored in the armory. The only thing he had on him was his half-loaded gun and knife.

"Hey, Carl?" Rick called from the other room. "Can you take Judith over to Carol's house? She's gonna watch her for us." Carl put his gun in his holster and met Rick in the hallway.

Rick handed Judith over to Carl. "So what changed your mind anyway?" Rick asked. "Why do you want to come now?"

"Oh no reason, really. Just figured that it would give me something to do", Carl lied. He didn't want his dad to know that Enid left...again. He didn't want to get her in trouble.

Carl walked one house over to Carol's. He knocked on the door which is where Carol greeted him and took Judith. Carl worked his way to the armory, loaded his gun, took extra ammo, and left.

Rick, Carl, Michonne, and Daryl all met by the gate of Alexandria. "Okay here's the plan", Rick began. "We're going to check out a gas station and a few houses to find things for Negan, and then come straight back. I don't want this to be an overnight run", he ended. The group nodded and walked their way towards a car.

Carl sat in the back seat next to Michonne. "It's nice that you're joining us." she said. "I would've thought that you wanted to stay home with Judith."

"Well, I wasn't originally coming. I did just wanna stay with Judith, but something changed my mind." Carl said.

"What changed it?"

"I don't know. I guess I just didn't want to sit in the house all day, after all." He said.

"What about that girl, Enid?" she asked. Carl's stomach dropped to the sound of Enid's name.

"What about her?" Carl questioned.

"Well, don't you like hanging out with her?"

"Yes, of course I do. But I jut wanted to come with you guys today." He answered.

Michonne smiled. "Well, that's fine with me. I'm glad you joined us." she put her hand on Carl's shoulder.

"Yeah, me too."

The group pulled up at a gas station. The four got out of the car and walked toward the door of the gas station building. Carl hesitated and stopped a few feet away from the car. "I'm gonna keep watch." he told them.

Rick, Daryl, and Michonne stopped walking and looked at Carl with puzzling looks on their faces. They were sure that Carl would want to help them look for stuff. He always fights to help the group as much as he can. It was weird for them to see Carl not wanting to come in with them.

"Are you sure?" Rick asked.

Carl nodded his head. "Yeah, I'm sure. I'm just gonna make sure no one comes around."

Really, he just wanted to keep an eye out for Enid. That is why he came. He positioned himself in front of the small building where he could see as much forest as possible.

He examined the trees, the grass, the dirt, the leaves. He envisioned him and Enid running through it, laughing and enjoying their time together. He missed it. All he wanted was to find her.

His attention was pulled to a crumbling of leaves coming to the left of him. He immediately pulled out his gun and pointed it up, eye level. Although his precautions were very thorough, there was a piece of hope inside of Carl that maybe it was Enid who was coming his way.

Of course, Enid was not there.

Coming out of the trees was a walker. Carl sighed, walked over to it, and put his knife through its temple.

Eventually, Rick, Daryl, and Michonne walked out of the building. "Any trouble?", asked Michonne. "No" Carl answered. "How did you guys do?"

"Fine. We got a few stuff but we definitely need to check a few more places otherwise we're not gonna have anything for Negan", said Rick. "And I'm not in the mood to lose anybody during his next visit"

Carl smirked at this. As long as it meant more time to look for Enid, he was fine with the traveling.

So I'm planning on writing the next chapter in Enid's pov. I know the writing isn't that good, but this is actually really hard for me. I hope to get better as I continue.

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