Chapter 15: Old Experiences

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I walked to bathroom that was right down the hall, to find Carl coming out of it. He was ready to leave. He wore a grey shirt and his dark blue flannel that was rolled up on his arms. His hair was resting on his shoulders with his hat sitting on his head.

"Hey, love. Did you sleep well?" He kissed the top of my head.

I nodded, slightly smiling.
"Better than in a long time." I thought of Glenn. His presence was beautiful last night, and inside of me.

"Good. Are you ready? We're leaving shortly."

I observed the bandage covering where his right eye would be. I could tell that he didn't change it because of how dirty it was. Yellow and brown stains coated it.

"Carl, did you change your bandage?"

"Oh, crap. I forgot. Thanks for reminding me." He held his hand up to the bandage and walked back into the bathroom, leaving the door open. I followed.

I stood next to him, putting my hair in a ponytail and watching him take off his hat and set it on the counter.

"You might want to look away. It's disgusting."

I tilted my head to the side, raising an eyebrow, my eyes looking into his through the mirror that was on the wall in front of us.

"Fine. But I warned you." He told me.

He slowly removed the bandage that was covering his eye socket. His hands moved all around his head as he unwrapped it.

Still, he didn't want me to see it. He turned his whole body so that I could only see the side of his face in the mirror. and it was the side of his face that had his eye.

"Carl....please" I pleaded in a soft voice.

He sighed, but didn't budge. I slowly put my hand on his shoulder and spun him around so that he was facing me. He revealed to me his red eye socket. A huge scar was left on the top of his cheek, and right next to where his eye would be.

"It's not bad." I assured him.

He shook his head. "You're only saying that because you have to."

"No, I'm not. Of course I'm not."

I moved my hand up to the bumpy scar that was on his cheek from the wound. My thumb rubbed against it. I focused my eyes.

"It's handsome."

He chuckled at this. I guess he thought that I wasn't serious, but I was. The scar makes him different, in a good way. It was beautiful.

I could tell that he was embarrassed, so I took my hand off of his cheek and began to walk out. He stopped me.


I turned my body towards his. I completely forgot that his eye socket was showing because of the breath taking, mesmerizing, icy blue eye that was on the other side of his nose.

"I love you." He proceeded to tell me.

My lips slightly parted and my pupils grew in size. He just told me that he loves me. Carl Grimes loves me! And I feel the same way about him.

"I love you too." I said. He smiled from ear to ear. The world was a better place when he smiled. Even after everything that's happened to him, he still manages to find joy in some things, and I'm glad that I got to be his joy this time.

I walked back to the room that I stayed in. I made the bed, grabbed my back pack and knife, and headed out the door. Maggie, Carl and I met at the front door of Barrington House. Gregory caught us on the way out.

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