Chapter 7: What Now?

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Enid's pov

Carl pressed his flannel on my left thigh. I've seen people get shot, but when it happens to you, and you see your own blood pouring out of your body, it's different.

Carl took his flannel off the wound and looked at it before putting it back on. He breathed a sigh of relief, smiling a little. I gave him a questioning and confused look. Why would he be smiling?

"The bullet; it just skimmed your leg, it didn't go right through." he told me. But there was still a load of blood.

I nodded, slightly smiling as well, but knowing that fact didn't take away the pain. Carl pressed harder on my leg, trying to get the bleeding to stop. This caused me to practically scream in agony.

"I'm sorry!...Here, take it." He took my hand and placed it on the blood-covered flannel.

Carl slowly stood up and picked up his gun. He walked past the three lifeless body's that were sprawled across the truck, and out of the truck.

Carl's pov

I scrutinized the forest, making sure there weren't more trucks full of saviors coming. After staring for a few...well... a lot of seconds, I made my way back to the truck.

"Enid, we should try to find our way back to Alexandria; get you fixed up"

"Okay" Enid replied.

I worked my way over to her and took the flannel off of her leg which was drenched with blood. She gave it a disgusted look and I threw it to the side.

I observed the wound. The blood was still coming. My first instinct was to take off my shirt and fold it, just like I did with the flannel.

Enid's pov

Carl took off his shirt, tossing his hat next to him and putting it back on when he had his shirt off. He revealed his bare chest and perfectly toned stomach, with abs slightly peeking through his skin. I guess I shouldn't be thinking like that, considering I have a boyfriend, and Carl is my friend, but I couldn't help but stare.

"What?" Carl asked as he folded his shirt.

"Nothing" I was caught back into place and I blushed a little.

Carl chuckled, so I hit his leg playfully, since I was sitting down and he was standing. He handed me his shirt to put on my leg.

Carl practically lifted me up and I clenched my teeth in pain as I held the shirt on my thigh. Carl walked in front of me as I limped to the edge of the truck.

Carl jumped down first. Knowing that I wouldn't be able to jump because of the lesion, he put his hands under my arms as I put mine on his shoulders. He brought me down carefully.

We started to walk down the road for a while. I was limping behind Carl, who was a few feet ahead of me.

Carl looked back at me and snickered a bit. "What's so funny?" I questioned him, trying my hardest not to smile, which didn't work, of course.

"It looks like I'm gonna have to carry you." He said with a big grin on his face.

I tilted my head at him. I didn't want to give up my strength and look weak. But before I got a chance to reject, Carl came over and scooped me up bridal style, careful not to touch my left thigh. I scoffed.

"What now?" Carl inquired of me.

" I didn't think you were this strong" I answered; my arms wrapped around his neck. This time Carl scoffed.

"Ouch" he said in a sarcastic tone. I laughed.

"Why didn't we just take the truck?" I said.

" 'Cause neither of us know how to drive that thing and I would rather not crash into trees. I'm just not in that kind of mood today." He responded, which made me giggle.

He carried me for a long time as we talked and laughed, until we decided to take a break. We sat on the grass beside the rode when Carl decided to check on my leg.

He carefully took the shirt off of my thigh and all I was focused on was his eyes...eye. He never was too happy about Ron shooting his eye out, and he regrets not killing him afterward.

I saw his eye widen as he pulled the shirt off of my leg.
"It stopped bleeding!" He said, astounded.

I looked down and saw that there was almost no more blood coming out of my thigh. I squealed and the only word that I could get out of my mouth was a small "yay!" and Carl looked at me and smiled.

"So what do we do now? Go home, tell everyone what happened, and risk more lives?" I said, which kind of brought the mood back down.

Carl sighed. "I don't know what we're gonna do. But we'll make it out alive. I know we will." He assured me.

"Do you?"
"I know we will. All of us. Me, my dad, Daryl, Michonne, everyone back at home, and you." He leaned in close to me.
"I'm not gonna let them hurt you. Not again. I'm gonna protect you." He said.

"I know. And I'm gonna protect you too. We can do it together, we can protect each other." I replied.

"I know, and we will."

Carl leaned in even closer, so that our lips were just inches apart. He looked me in the eyes and I fell into a trance. His beautiful, sparkling blue eye was looking into my hazel eyes.

I saw him look down at my lips and then quickly look back up at my eyes. I was about to kiss Carl Grimes! Our lips were barely a centimeter apart...

when I pulled away.

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