Chapter 12: Teary Eyes

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The whimpering of women echoed around the houses as we sat there, on our knees, watching Aaron being beat to death by a barb-wired baseball bat.

Negan hit Aaron a good eight times before finally stopping and backing up. He bit his bottom lip as he swung Lucille around to get the blood off of it. A small splatter landed on my cheek, right below my left, teary, petrified eye.

I sat there shaking, and so did the rest of us. We waited for someone to do something, but that wasn't likely to happen because of what we just watched. I looked at Aaron's smashed, lifeless body and I closed my eyes. I couldn't bear to look at the sight anymore.

"This happened because of you" Negan pointed the bat at Rick. "This did not need to happen again, Rick. You could have told me where Daryl was. You could have stopped this before I took another life. You wasted my time. I'm not sorry, this time."

Negan signaled to the Saviors to get back in the trucks and head back to the sanctuary. Slowly, they all started filling the vehicles. Eventually, when they were all gone, the rest of us began to rise and reminisce what just happened.

I steadily stood up and so did the others. I glanced at Aaron one more time and I burst into tears. It just hit me that this is what happened to Abraham.........and Glenn.

I could never be able to understand fully what happened that night, but due to what happened this day, I could now see that this wouldn't be a memory that would escape our minds. The horrid, dreadful things that came before us are too much to explain, too complicated. One can never fully comprehend what it's like to watch someone you cared for be brutally murdered by a sickening man, right before your eyes. And then see the deceased body with blood pouring out from the top, laying in front of you. Aaron died like this, and Abraham, and the one who gave me hope when I thought there was none left.

Carl saw me sobbing and he came over to me, wrapping his arms around my body as I cried into his shirt.

No. We didn't go to the Hilltop that day.


The next few days were filled with misery. Not all of the Alexandrians were in the lineup, but most of them saw what happened. Very few in this safe zone had seen anything as gruesome and murderous as what took place a few days ago.

It was rare to walk around Alexandria and see a smiling face. If so, something really good must have happened to that person, because most of these people have been scarred as a result of the recent event.

Although we live in a world where humans rise from the dead and try to eat you, most of the citizens here never expected that the people could be as big of a threat, if not bigger.

Maggie and I were still planning on going to the Hilltop, and I would have told Carl that we were planning on it, but we haven't spoken since the day Aaron died. It's not Carl's fault, he's been trying to get my attention and talk to me, but I have just been so distant, that he gave up.

I'm not even sure if I wanted to go to the Hilltop anymore. My leg is healing fine on its own. Nevertheless, Maggie needs me. I need to be there for her and the baby, my sibling.

This is the only reason I still want to go. The baby is one of the few things that keeps me excited. I feel that maybe there is still hope in bringing another life into the world. Maybe it's okay to look forward to something, and not to worry as much. I just need to have faith, and believe that it is okay. After all, belief is everything.

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