^The new guy^

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Bree's prov.:

I wake up by the sound of my alarm clock going off. I hate Monday mornings. Yet I still have to get dress for school if my bullies know who I was they would regret knowing me. I get ready for school and I eat a snack bar get the keys to my motorcycle i head to school I park behind the school so no one would know who I am.

It's first period and I'm bored as hell. Mrs. Higgins never stops talking. But I do know what he talking about.

A few moments later the class was disrupted by the new guy.  He was tall healthy and kinda hot. Please don't tell me he's going to sit next to me.

Ohhh. He is.

Mrs. Higgins " this is Jayden, he is new and everyone be nice to him please thank you, oh and one more thing go sit next to Bree please Jayden"

As soon as he said that Jayden gave me disgusting look. Ohh boy here we go.

Bree " hey"

Jayden " please don't talk to me your ugly"

I snapped when he said that but I couldn't say anything to him.

Mrs. Higgins " now work with your partner and discuss  about Cold War."

We both look at each other and it was awkward.

I said " look we got on the wrong foot, but you need to talk to me because I want to pass this class. "

He hesitated and said " fine but only this class you are allowed to talk to me okay?" 

"Ok mom I'll try damn"

" your not funny"

"Okay" i responded

" here's my homework and give to me Tomorrow before school start alright you got that?"

I wanted to kill him at that moment but what could I do

"Okay den " i sign

Moments later the bell ranged and that's when I have a free period

So that means I have to go to Toxic and see what the hell is up and I found out about Maxs  little plan is. Dave my assistant helped me plan our next sabotage.

It was getting late and had to go to school again.

"Remember bring her here on Wednesday for she could help us to pin point him alright am I clear"
I shout it before I leave

I stumble across a other motorcycle an it wanted to get down so I had to do a race he was up to it. We raced about 10 minutes and of course I won

"Here's you 50 bucks"

I reached my hand out and took the money saying " maybe next time"

I step on the pedal to get to school on time and luckily I was.

"Ugh few more periods and I'm out" I said

3rd period is alright but when I'm bored I'll put some hear plugs and listen to music. Jayden behind me could hear it and he said

"Pist pist pist Brew what ever your name is turn it down I'm trying to listen"  he whispered it

"It's Bree and I'm glad you finally decided to pay attention finally something is happening up there" I snapped at him

" shut the hell up Bree this is why you don't have any friends"

"I don't want a friends because their all knuckle heads alright" 

He stuck his tongue out i did the same as him.

Mocking him

This whole weeks been the same and now it's Thursday  thank god.

First period Jayden was
Starting beef with me.  I could just kill him at that moment

Finally Thursday there's a party and my whole gang is going to sell drugs. I couldn't go because its people from my school that is going.

Thursday night:

I pulled up to the drive way and I kept helmet on because if I didn't they would seem me. I see that dick face Jayden talking to Britney and i roll my eyes.

I had a piece of hair bothering the hell out me so I had to take off my helmet real fast and fix it. Luckily no one saw.

My gang made 737 Bucks that night and we split it up. 

There was a drive by at the party and I took my pistol out and shot the driver right in the dome one shot me in my shoulder. I could see that Some one came running to help but my gang stopped him there was a huge crowed surrounding me but I got up and left. Luckily I was close to my motorcycle.

The next day i had to go to school or they would be questioning me.
I got up late and my shoulder was hurting like a bitch but I could handle it. 

I parked my motorcycle behind the school and I was running to my locker. I grabbed my books and slammed the locker. When I turned around i see Jayden waiting for me. He walks up to me pushing me to hit the locker with my back. Our faces were so close that I could feel his mouth against mine. 

"Where where you yesterday?" He asked me.

I responded "at my apartment, you bother me to much"

" are you sure you weren't at a party?"

"Me at a party" I giggled " no I don't go to parties"

"Then explain this! "

He grabbed my hand and he saw my tattoo on my fingers.

"The girl on the motorcycle is you  isn't it. " he shouts " she pulled a pistol out and that I saw this"

"I don't understand you me on a motorcycle is just crazy" he puts his weight on my shoulder which made groan

" she also go shot in the shoulder" he says while he put his hand on my shoulder.

I move out of the way so he could not touch it. 

" it's not me i don't get invited to parties okay Jayden so leaves the hell alone" i yelled at him.

"why would a girl like you be riding a motorcycle to school?" He asks me

"Ima be late" i start running away from him.

My tattoo says

A K 4 7
1 8 2 8

"Does Jayden know about me?" I whispered to my self.

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