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Sonic looked back at me his emerald eyes filled with tears. "Sonic..." I said my voice trialling off.

I wanted to run over and hug him but I felt stuck. "Sonic... I-I love you..."


I woke up in a cold sweat practically shaking. The same dream for the last three nights in a row.

"Oh my gosh jet get a hold you yourself..." I said to myself laying back on my bed still sweating.

I felt so nervous. But I couldn't have a crush on sonic could I? I Stared at the ceiling.

I hadn't gotten a good rest in 4 days. I was always to distracted by sonic.

I got up out of bed.

"Only 5 Am really why does my dream always happen so early." I mumbled under my breath.

I walked into the bathroom looking at the dark circles under my eyes. I yawned.

"I should do something to day..." I said to my reflection. I looked like I had been hiding away from society. My sky blue eyes were tired.

I got in the shower turning on the hot water letting it run down my face. I suddenly remembered today was Monday. I was supposed to ride my board today I guess I was kinda slacking off.

I got out of the shower drying off my feathers making them poofy as usual.

I grabbed my board hopping on it. I started to ride through town. It felt good to have my mind off sonic.

There were dark storm clouds rolling in and thunder off in the distance. I sighed as I came to the edge of the forest.

I started making sharp turns around trees being careful not to fall. I felt like someone was watching me.

I slowed down but was still going pretty fast. I was to low to the ground.

I suddenly saw sonic and we collided with each other sending me flying off my board and into some near by bushes.

I heard a snap. I looked up and saw sonic had landed right next to me.

"What was that?" Sonic asked as if we had not both just crashed into each other going 50 miles per hour.

"I don't..." I suddenly felt a dull pain in my leg. I looked down at it. It was bent right in the shin.

"Jet... I don't think your legs supposed to bend like that..." Sonic said standing.

"I know..." I said shakily the pain finally hitting me.

"I'll help you..." Sonic sighed and picked me up sending a wave if nervousness through me. We had never been this close before.

He picked up my board handing it to me. "Come on bird brain lets go." He chuckled and ran back to his house.

The only thing I could think of was how close we were. My leg was in a lot of pain but sonic being there helped.

We got back to sonics house and a slight drizzle had started to fall. Sonic set me down on the couch.

"This will hurt so brace yourself..." Sonic said placing his hands on the sides of where my bones broke popping it back into place.

I let out a whimper but inside I was screaming. He started wrapping it up.

"Why are you helping me?" I asked.

"Why not?" He shrugged "I couldn't just leave you back there to die..." Sonic smiled.

I felt a small blush form across my face. Sonic went and stood by the window what had been a drizzle had turned into a steady rainfall.

Sonic turned on his tv to the news channel.

"We advise all citizens of northern Mobius stay inside while the electrical storm passes" said the announcer.

Sonic groaned. "Another storm..." He sighed. "Well hey it looks like you'll have to stay her for a while..."


~First Chappy be like done ☻ Did I do good? Idk more coming soon!☻

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