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Jacks POV:
I walk up the lane slowly. Alex told me to meet him at the top of my road. He always asks me to meet him when he's mid walking to my house. I Donno why.
"Jack! Guess what" Alex yells running towards me pulling me into an excited hug. I laugh and squeeze him close.
"What?" I ask messing with the strings on his grey hoodie.
"I got a boyfriend? Can he be in a video with us?" Alex's dark eyes staring into mine with excitement and plea.
"As long as you don't third wheel me during it"  I say and he laughs and hugs me tighter.
"Deal" he says happily.
Alex and I started making YouTube videos in 2012. It's 2013 and we have over 70 thousand subscribers which is dope. We called our channel Alex and Jack because we weren't creative enough to come up with a cool channel name. Still, it works.
"Awesome! Can we go to my house and film a video with him? Like can I invite him over and you can meet him and stuff?" I nod with a nervous smile.
"Hey Alex?"
"Ye Jacko"
"If you guys ever fight or he turns out to be a cunt or if he doesn't treat you right. Tell me and I'll kick him" Alex laughs and squeezes my cheek.
"Don't worry! He's great, his name is Brody Anderson! He's so sweet and kind and cute" oh wow everything I'm not.
"That's dope, call him now to see if he actually is free"
"Good idea" Alex took out is iPhone and dialled Brody's number. After 6 beeps he picks up.
"Sup babe" I hear his deep voice through the phone.
"Hi babe! Wanna come over to my house and make a video with myself and Jack? Pretty please" Alex asks Brody smiling at the ground. Brody makes him happier than I ever will probably.
"Sure! What time. Where's Jack"
"He's here with me now. Say hi jacky"
"hi.." I say quietly and awkwardly. I'm shy around people sometimes.
"Cool to meet you! Alex talks about you since you're basically his only friend" I laugh anxiously
"Well I guess he won't shut up about you for, well the rest of his life" I say. Brody laughs a loud laugh.
"True, see you later Jack. Alex I'm gonna head to your house now? And if you're not home I'll just wait outside"
"Alright! Bye bye" Alex hangs up the phone with a slick smile.
"Lets go!" Alex says skipping ahead. I shake my head in amusement and follow him. It annoyed me how Alex never got excited over meeting me like he does with Brody. I brush away the jealousy and catch up with him.

"Come on! Let's go watch supernatural!" Alex summons me to run quicker. He lived around the corner from me. I run up behind him and we run to his house. I pant like a dog.
We go inside and take out the supernatural boxset we've been watching together in our free time. We never watch it without each other
It was just something we couldn't change. Alex puts in season 7 episode 6 and sits back on the couch where I already was. Alex cuddled up against Me pulling me closer to him. I smile. Cuddles and supernatural was a routine for us.
We watch until we hear the doorbell ring.
"Brody!" Alex screams jumping away from me. I sigh and Alex opens the door and Brody lunges At Alex connecting their lips. I turn around huffing in annoyance and press play on supernatural.
"Fuck you're watching supernatural?" Brody shouts and runs in the room. I nod and look at him. Tan, sharp jawline,  blue-ish silver eyes meeting my brown ones, a thin well structured nose, thin cheekbones and sharp eyebrows. His caramel hair styled in a neat quiff. Alex was right about him being cute. I'm not gay, he's just cute. He smiled down at me his thin lips forming a perfect angelic smile.
"Count me the fuck in, what season is this?" Brody jumps on the couch.
"Season 7 episode 6" I tell him giving him a smile. He smiles back.
"I'm on season 8. I won't spoil anything." Alex interrupts our bonding with a cough. I move over away from Brody so Alex can sit next to him.
For the next 30 minutes Alex and Brody cuddled whispering to each other hand in hand while I distanced myself as far away from them as possible.
"Jacky can you turn on the kettle please" I nod desperately wanting to get away from them. I go to the kitchen and pick up the silver kettle and pour water from the sink in it and flick the switch.
"Thanks Jack" Alex yells. I go back to the room and the couple were kissing.
"I'm gonna go set up the recording set up stuff"
"Ok" Alex replies his lips meeting Brody's again.  I run upstairs and take out my phone and go on Twitter. I asked our fans to tweet me questions and I'll tweet them back.
I scroll through them. The first one is from a girl called Stacey Horan. Her user @staceyxx_xx

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