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"Let's do the cinnamon challenge so we can laugh at each other's pain" before I can agree he goes upstairs to get my camera. He comes back with it and then roots through my kitchen until he finds some cinnamon and he gets a spoon.
"This is your channel buddy your intro"
"Hey my sexy huskies how ya doing?" I say grinning.
"I'm doing well thanks for the compliment jacky" I laugh and slap his cheek gently.
"Today we're gonna do the cinnamon challenge because Jack isn't very happy and I'm thinking me in pain will make him happy"
"Aren't you sweet. Look at this sweetheart. Such a gentle soul" I pull him into a hug and kiss his cheek causing him to blush and smile at the ground. He hugs me tightly before I let him go. We get our spoons and fill them both with cinnamon.
"If you don't know what the aim of this is. It's to try swallow it all. Or something like that" Rian says.
"Cheers" he says tapping our spoons together. I put my camera on the table.
"1" I begin
"2" he adds
"3" we say in sync and we feed each other our spoons so he feeds me and I feed him. We look at each other and then I cough and cinnamon clouds attack Rian and at the same time Rian coughs cinnamon all over me.
"Fuck you spat in my mouth" I groan
"I'll spit in it again later" Rian gasps with a wink laughing and coughing.
"It's so fucking dry. Why is it spicy. Is cinnamon spicy?" He asks frowning
"I Donno but it's dry and spicy. It's some special cinnamon"
"Fuck. Got any milk" he gags. I nod. He runs to the fridge and gets a carton and starts swallowing it down. I nudge him. He hands it to me and I drink it like there's no tomorrow. 
"I mean.. We didn't.. Throw up" he gasps leaning on the table breathing heavily.
"True." I say wiping my eyes
"Anyway.. That was the fucking cinnamon thing"
"Jack kiss me" he sticks out his tongue that had cinnamon still on it.
"Ew no.."
"Give your friend a kiss since my... Tongue tastes great"  I stick out my tongue
"Yours is brown as fuck too boyo, kiss for kiss?" He asks. I shrug.
"This is gonna be the worst kiss of your life"
"Not if you're talented at it" he says with a wink. At the same time we move forward and connect our lips. The taste of cinnamon is revolting. I pull away
"It wasn't the worst kiss. It just tasted shit."
"What could be worse than a cinnamon kiss"
"Remember I told you about it last night"
"Was she that bad" he nods with a laugh.
"Anyway that was the cinnamon challenge. Cinnamon ruined love for me since it ruined my kiss" Rian says sadly
"As you said the kiss wasn't the worst kiss. It just was very dry. And thank you for calling me love much appreciated "
"Dude. Oh my god I have an idea for a video idea for my channel. Let's finish this one first. And no problemo my darling" we share a smile
"Make sure to subscribe to my good buddy Rian Dawson the link to his channel will be in the description stay happy huskies. We love you! Byeee" Rian turns off the camera.
"You got a spare toothbrush. He asks. I nod. We go to the bathroom and start brushing our teeth scraping the cinnamon away.
"What was the video idea"
"So we like, kiss with different foods in our mouth to guess what foods are in our mouths. Like the cinnamon one was shit but let's try other ones!"
"Sounds harmless! Let's do it" and with that we leave the bathroom and gather random kitchen foods.
We start the video
"Hello my loving friends, I'm here with my loving friend Jack Barakat!"
"Hello!" I say happily. I share a smile with Rian.
"You're probably wondering why is jack making videos with Rian instead of Alex. Alex is currently with his boyfriend so We decided to make a video together. You're gonna love this one"
"I'll probably regret making this video but in this Rian will not look as I put a certain food in my mouth and then he'll kiss me and guess the food!"
"You won't regret this! This is gonna be great"
"Okay Rian turn around and close your eyes." He does so.
I get a knife and spread some butter on my tongue. I turn Rian around placing a hand on his cheek and connect my lips to his. His tongue adventures inside my mouth tasting the butter.
"What the fuck is that. Your tongue is flat and cold"
"Because there's food on it idiot" he tastes my tongue again.
"Is it butter?"
"Yes!" He opens his eyes and laughed seeing my buttered tongue 
. "Okay Jack close your eyes and turn away" I nod and drink some water and swallow the butter and get it off my tongue.
Rian turns me and places a hand on my cheek. He gives me a small closed mouth kiss before opening his mouth. My tongue moves inside his mout before it lands in a. Familiar substance I lick it up in my mouth causing him to laugh.
"Ketchup" I say simply.
"I wonder how many homophobic people will comment 'gay, faggots, go to hell"  Rian says with a laugh spitting the ketchup in the sink.
"Okie dokie, next. Rian you know the drill" Rian takes a drink to get rid of the ketchup taste and turns around.
I put chocolate in the oven and get some on a knife and spread it and drop it all over my tongue. I walk over to the smiling weirdo. I place my lips to his again. He drops his tongue into the chocolate.
"Oh my god it's lovely" he laughs and starts licking the chocolate from my mouth. I laugh.
"Stop it" I shove him gently laughing.
"It's chocolate" he opens his eyes and laughs seeing my mouth FUll of chocolate.
"Anyway. That was our guess the food kissing challenge thing. What the fuck even was this?" Rian asks.
"You wanting to kiss me and using food as an excuse" Rian laughs and shrugs. I drink some water to get rid of the chocolate.
"Don't forget to subscribe to this little cutie here." He places a sloppy kiss on my cheek. "He makes videos with his best friend make sure to check them out! They're funny dudes. I wonder how uncomfortable this video made people.." Rian says laughing at the last part.
"Well it was fun. Thanks for watching I'm sorry if we scarred you for life. I'm Jack this is my good buddy Rian Dawson and we just did the weirdest video ever."
"C'mere" Dawson says giving me a gentle kiss on the lips.
"Subscribe for more content that won't involve Rian kissing me."
"Nope sorry buddy we had our time" Rian pouts then laughs.
"Anyway. Please like this video it would mean the world thanks for watching I love you. Goodbye!"
Rian stops the camera.
"Wait" Rian runs over to the oven and picks up that knife I used for chocolate and spreads some on his tongue.
"Sorry I just want you to know how good this tastes" he mumbles with a giggle. I shrug and place my lips to his.
"Shit you're right" I say gathering the chocolate on my tongue. He laughs and we pull away.
"Now let's go brush our teeth again" he nods and we run to the bathroom and we brush our teeth getting rid of all the food stains.
"Do our videos need editing? They were kinda short and they'd end up being like 2-3 minutes if we decide to edit them? Let's just put them on the laptop and computer and upload." Rian says. I nod. We tidy ye kitchen and then put the videos on the computer and laptop and upload them to YouTube.
We sit on the couch in silence for the moment.
"Hey jack?" He says. I turn to face him.
"Can I kiss you?"
"Don't ask, just kiss" with that he moves forward and places his lips to mine. He sits on top of me holding my chin up his lips moving softly against mine. As he kisses me his body moves and in a way he was grinding on my dick and possibly didn't realise it but I don't mention it. I hold back a few wines. He moved his lips to my jaw and then to my neck biting down on the skin sucking gently. He moves his lips to mine again before pulling away and looking at the time.
"It's 7 now, so let's change in our suits" he says sitting up off me. I sigh since I wanted to kiss more.
"Where's yours?" I ask.
"In my bag, here's yours" he hands me the suit. I remember I was texting Alex when he bought it and I didn't.
"How much did you pay for that?" I ask.
"It was cheap" he assures
"I doubt it."
"We're in a rush come on Barakat change" I nod and he hands me the suit. I take it and run off to my bedroom and change into it.
"Get a tie!" He yells from the bathroom. I nod. I put on a plain black tie. I fix everything up and go downstairs and sit down. When Rian walks out my jaw drops at how hot he looks. He looked angelic.
"Holy fuck" I mumble. He smirks
"You like what you see?" He asks. I don't reply and just stare.
"Hey, I know I look stunning but come on we gotta go." He takes my hand and pulls me up. We walk to the place it was taking place in. A big place that's usually for discos but it was Being used as a place for prom just for the night. We head inside and kids were already there. My eyes kept drifting to Rians beauty.
"Hey jack, we're supervising but no ones supervising us?"
"Let's dance." And with that he pulls me by the hand and starts dancing. It was like we were reliving  prom.

Why do I write stuff like this. Also I write at 1am-3am (usually) which is why my writings shit. I'm just too tired to think of fun words and description. So yeah.

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