Party Rockers

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Author's Note~ Just wanted to let you people know, thanks for the fans and votes I got overnight! I'll mostly be updating my stories (with really long chapters) on the weekends, except for Adventure for Love, cuz I don't like it and I need to come up with better ideas for it soon ^.^"



"Hey Saraaaahhhhh!" screamed the little boy into his older sister's ear. She jolted awake in a panic and fell out of bed with the comforter still wrapped around her thin form.

"Agh, Tony. You didn't have to scream," Sarah whined from her fetal position on the carpet.

"Taylor told me to," he shot back accusingly. "She says she needs to talk to you."

"Fine, tell her I'm going to be in the dining room in a couple of minutes," the disheveled girl replied. Tony ran off, and a few minutes later Sarah entered the bright dining room still wearing the frog boxers and t-shirt she had slept in.

"Good morning, sunshine," her father greeted cheerily as he set a plate of chocolate banana crêpes in front of her.

"Hey dad," she yawned. She smiled as he hummed along to a Blues Brothers song playing quietly by the stove. Her mother sat at the table editing a manuscript and gnawing on a stick of bacon.

"Hey sweetie, you want some?" her mom looked at her over her glasses and held a piece out to her.

"No, I'm fine," Sarah wrinkled her nose. She hated bacon.

"Hey what time's the party?" Taylor asked as she slid into the seat next to her. "You guys texted each other last night, didn't you?"

"Yeah, it's on Cedar Wood street. At five," Sarah answered, leaving the table to grab a glass of milk.

"When you're done eating, help me pick out what to wear? Please?" The brunette begged.

"It's only ten right now, why would you need to pick out clothes? You have like, seven hours," Sarah shot a look at her older sister.

"Yeah, but I don't know if I should dress fancy or in my everyday clothes, you know?" she complained while forking a bite of Sarah's crêpes into her mouth.

"Don't take people's food, geez, Taylor," She snatched the fork out of her older sister's hand. "It's just a barbecue, you can dress the way you normally do," she sighed, then grabbed her empty plate and put it in the sink.

"Thanks for breakfast dad," she said to him with a peck on his cheek. "I'm going downstairs, okay?"

"Bye," he said through a mouthful of Fruit Loops.


After I stomped down to the basement area of the house, I walked through the game room and television room and family rooms to get to my special music room. Yeah, my house has a lot of rooms. Probably cuz my dad used to be some kind of mechanical engineer and my mother's an editor for some big-shot publishing company.

I breathed a sigh of relief as I inspected my guitars, drums, and the two pianos I owned. I had some other instruments too, but they were the ones most important to me. Some were out of tune, but otherwise there wasn't a scratch on them. I began tuning and playing, and started recording until I heard someone banging on my door. I sighed, turned off my equipment, and yanked the door open.

"How come you're still in those?!" Taylor screeched at me. I looked down and realized that my sleepwear still covered my body.

"Oh yeah, guess I am," I answered nonchalantly as I stepped by her and made my way back to my room.

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