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Two weeks after I had reluctantly agreed to joining the Boys' Lacrosse team in exchange for a date with her, Ashley stopped me in the hall just outside of music class to wish me luck. Tonight the tryouts for the lacrosse team were being held.

"I might come cheer you on, if I can get out of work early," she told me shyly.

"That would be nice," I smiled, then walked past her into the classroom. The teacher was in today, lounging in a chair behind his podium and patiently waiting for everyone to settle down. People were beginning to take out their instruments, but he stood and the room went quiet.

"No instruments today guys, I have to go over all the first-day-of-school stuff that I skipped out on," Mr. Davy sighed. He was an outgoing, but lazy teacher. He recieved respect from the students plainly because he was such an encouragement. Last year, he had had a divorce, and all he had said about it was that his wife didn't accept the fact that he was gay, and ended up cutting all ties from him.

"Sarah, would you read through the syllabus please?" he called to me. I nodded, then read through the lime green sheet in a bored monotone. As I got to the dress code section of the paper, I put on a mockingly southern accent. People laughed as I pretended to be the vice principal of the school. She was a woman notorious for catching people breaking the rules.

"Thank you, Sarah," Mr. Davy laughed as I finished with a "Yee, dawggy!" He began talking to us about the projects we had to do in class, where we wrote songs and/or made videos pertaining to a theme of musical style that we studied each month.

"For the first project, all you guys have to do is write a song with someone. This is one of the few times we're going to be doing partner work on the projects, so it can be any style of music you like. And yes, I already assigned partners for you," He sighed the last sentence as kids started looking around the room at their friends. I had caught Ashley looking at me, but she blushed and turned back to Mr. Davy. I crossed my fingers behind my back when he called out my name, and nearly whooped for joy when he also called out Ashley. I looked up and grinned at her, and she smiled back at me. Everyone seemed really pleased with their partners, and he made us all meet up and talk about music for the last hour before school ended, claiming he was too tired to listen to us clucking like chickens.

Ashley and I decided on an acoustic rock/pop song, and that she would come over to my house tomorrow to work on it. The bell rang and she surprised me with a good-bye hug as everyone swarmed to the parking lots.


I had told Sarah that I might go watch her during tryouts, and when Bailey figured out why I was leaving work at the movie theater so early, she begged me to take her with me.

"Fine," I groaned as I tossed clothes into a bag. We had decided to sleep over at her house after tryouts, and she lay on my bed reading out advice on "how to capture a girl's heart." "Please just shut up, Bailey. I don't need to know this kind of thing. And I don't want to know either," I sighed.

"Okay, okay. But I thought you liked her. Don't you want her to like you back?" I bit my lip as I pondered the question and lay down beside her.

"Well, yes I do like her. But at the same time, I always think that I really hate her, but I don't mean what I'm thinking. You get what I'm saying?" I asked her.

"I feel the same way about Chessy," she laughed, mentioning her quiet, nerdy boyfriend(his real name is Chester Meyers, but Bailey thinks Chessy is cuter).

"But it's not exactly all of what I feel for her," I complained.

"What is it then? Do you feel an electric pull? Or that whenever you see her, shivers run down your spine?" she sat up hastily and gripped my shoulder in her excitement.

"Not exacty, but I feel... calm, I guess, and happy. As if I'm really stressed out and she's a cigarette, but a million times better," I tried explaining.

"Oh, I see," she grinned. My eyes narrowed quiziclly, but she turned and dragged me and my bag out of the house, then commanding me to drive to the high school so we could watch the tryouts. Bailey didn't aske me any more questions about the subject, and by the time we arrived at the school, we were talking about what movie we should rent for tonight.

It was a cold night, and Bailey and I were huddled under a blanket on the bleachers, watching Sarah closely as she played in a scrimmage game. I giggled to myself when Sarah sprinted between a couple of defenders rushing at her. The ball was currently in her possession, and even though she wasn't very good, she was fast. She threw the ball at the goal, but the goalie caught it and the coach called her out of the game.

We sat and watched until the tryouts were over and the coach was giving everyone information about when the players would be announced. He dismissed everyone, and they left in groups of two and three. I hopped down from the bleachers to talk to Sarah, making a decision without thinking.

"Gues I'll just wait in the car then!" Bailey shouted angrily at me for ditching her.

"Hey, good job out there," I said, jumping down in front of Sarah.

"Thanks, but I'm pretty skeptical about whether or not I'm going to even make it on the team. Since you know, I suck," she laughed half-heartedly.

"Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that date," I said. I had seen the other players on the team, and compared to them, even I could tell there was no chance for her making it on. "Forget about it. Tomorrow I'm going over to your house anyways, so instead of working on the project, I'll just pick you up and we can go on a date. nothing fancy or anything, maybe lunch or breakfast or brunch or something like that," I rushed out. "I'm sorry, I'm talking to much, aren't I?"

"No, I enjoy hearing the sound of your voice," she joked, picking up her bag. We began walking to the parking lot in silence, and she led me back to my car.

"Um, so. Do you want to? Go on a date?" I asked nervously. I tried to keep my eyes on her wolfish grey ones that twinkled at me from beneath her white bangs.

"Are you just saying that because you think I won't make the team? Like as a pity date?"

"No," I answered quickly. I was appalled she would even think that of me. "No Sarah, of course not." she looked at me for a second, tryig to figure out if I was lying or not, I suppose, and then she nodded her head.

"Well, yeah, a date with you. Tomorrow for lunch?" she asked.

"Yeah," I nodded excitedly. She smiled and shook her head, then leaned iin and gave me a quick hug. My knees turned to jelly and I melted in her arms. My heart continued pounding even after she left and I got into the car.

"So what happened with you two?" Bailey asked at my shocked expression.

"I have a date with her tomorrow." I told her. We stared at each other, then squeeled and hugged and talked excitedly as I drove us back to her house. Bailey fell asleep during the third movie, but I wasn't even paying attention to any of them. I was wide-awake, thinking of Sarah and worrying over the date before I slipped into unconciousness in the early morning hours

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