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I like writing from the point of view of the characters, so from now on, It'll just bounce between Sarah and Ashley. Read, and leave a comment if you like/dislike/love/hate this if you want =D


When I saw someone out of the corner of my eye, I didn't expect that they were close enough to be able to run into Sarah. I gasped in shock as Sarah lost her balance and fell in. Thinking quickly, I ran off to grab a towel and came back just as Sarah was about to get out of the pool. I saw the glass, but Sarah didn't. I shouted at Sarah, but she had already pushed her hand onto the sharp fragments. Sarah hissed audibly and I ran forward to help her. My pulse was racing Oh let her please be okay. Her left hand was bleeding and held over her flat stomach. With surprise, I noted that the white camisole underneath had become see-through and the flannel shirt had started clinging to her body. I flushed when I saw the outline of the soaking girl's bra and quickly wrapped the towel around her. I led Sarah through the house to my room, where the gravity of the situation sunk in. She was in my room. On my bed. And maybe flirting with me! But, she was injured and I had to attend to that before anything else could happen. I gave her a robe, and when she told me not to peek, I whipped my head around and searched through my drawers for something to calm me down. I found a bottle of Vodka just as she told me she was done, and I turned around and offered her some. I stared as she drank. My robe was a couple inches too short for her, so it ended mid thigh. At the waist, she had tied it loosely so that her cleavage was visible to me.

After she gulped some down, I tore my eyes away from her and drank. Sarah sat on the bed again and I kneeled at her feet, inspecting her hand. I grabbed a tweezer and yanked out the first piece of glass. Sarah howled and grabbed my wrist with her good hand.

"Wait, aren't Paramedics supposed to do this kind of thing?" she bit her lip cutely and frowned down at me.

"I've done this before, it's nothing to worry about," I told her reassuringly. I didn't want to make her scared or worried, then she wouldn't stay here with me. And that was my ulterior motive-Not to help her, but to spend more time alone with her and get close to her.SHe's making me so bold lately it's surprising I realized.

"But… it hurts," she whimpered. that wasn't good. Even if my ulterior motive was to spend time with her, I didn't want to be putting her in pain, and I didn't want her to have those pieces of glass in her hand. I was taken by surprise when I heard her whisper; "If you kiss it, it wouldn't hurt as much." My breath caught in my throat and restarted, coming faster and shallower. My mouth was dry, and my body had suddenly become hot and feverish. I licked my lips before I could reply to her.

"But I wouldn't be able to kiss the cuts. I'd have to kiss somewhere else," I blurted before thinking. Oh god. Now she knows. She knows that I like her.I practiacally just told her that I wanted to kiss her .

"Then do it," she dared me. I turned my head and looked at her. The mischievous glint was back in her eyes. She was close enough that they were all I could see. They looked like the finest silver, with shards of diamonds and stars thrown into them. I was absolutely awestruck by this wounded goddess before me, telling me to kiss her. Slowly, I leaned forward until I could feel her cool breath brush against my lips, teasing me the same way her eyes were.

But our moment was halted by the sound of stomping feet coming to my room. I backed away from her and stood just as the door opened and Tommy, the local doctor, knelt down and started tending to her, I felt sadness, jealousy, and anger mixed into a bitter concoction on my tongue. I wished they would have come later, so that I could have kissed her. I was close, so close, but that was ruined by Tommy, who was now caring for her wounds. That probably explained the jealousy. I wanted to be the one reassuring her that she would be okay and the one making her feel better. But that made no sense. I know I was gay, but I only just met the girl. There was really no way I could have a crush on her. A crush... I have a crush on Sarah. The words sounded so perfect in my head, but it also filled me with sadness. I would never be able to be with her. Not just because we were both girls, but because we came from two different worlds.


"I am so sorry about what happened," I apologized to Sarah and Taylor for the millionth time.

"It's fine," Taylor laughed. Sarah's left hand was bandaged, and I heard her complain under her breath about not being able to play.

"Wait here and I'll bring the car up," Taylor said, jogging towards the nice-looking car. I had no idea what kind it was, I never payed much attention to cars.

"You're going to have to make up for this in some way," Sarah grinned as she turned to me. She was wearing her own clothes again, but her hair was still wet at the tips. I ignored her statement and stepped out onto the porch with her, making sure no one could hear me as I shut the door behind me.

"I need to talk to you about something," I looked down at my feet. I felt her hand under my chin, gently tilting my head back upwards, so she could look into my eyes.

"Tell me," she spoke seriously for once. I gulped and continued looking her in the eye.

"Can you please keep it a secret that I'm gay?" I rushed out. She blinked.

"I didn't know it was a secret."

"Well it is. How did you know I'm gay?" I questioned.

"Because you were totally checking me out the first time we met," she grinned, the teasing tone returning to her voice.

"I was not!" I protested.

"Then what about when you were going to kiss me?" she smirked. She's a devilish one.

"It was your imagination!" I flushed angrily. What was wrong with me? I felt angry towards her, but I still felt a softness towards her. Like I was angry she was mocking me but not caring anyways because she made me feel…different, a little more lighthearted, like I was sure that she could make my anger disappear just as fast as she caused it to surface.

"Oh was it?" she whispered, stepping towards me. I backed into the door. She continued advancing on me until out bodies were almost touching. I was aching, I actually wanted to feel her press against me, and to kiss me with her soft, pink lips. My eyes flicked down to her lips, which turned into a grin.

"I knew it," she exclaimed triumphantly. As Sarah stepped away from me, I felt like a child that had her favorite blanket taken away. "You are gay. You do like girls. And you definitely like me," Sarah teased.

"I do NOT like you!" I denied loudly.

"Oh really?" she smirked and cocked her head to the side. "Then I will definitely make you fall for me, if you already haven't. I promise." I was frozen in shock. She thinks I've fallen for her? Maybe. Maybe I actually have fallen for this girl. I watched as she turned and walked to her car. She stepped in and waved to me out of the window and disappeared as the car turned away. My chest tightened as I lost sight of Sarah.

Fuck. If I feel as shitty as this when she leaves me, that means I really have fallen for her, haven't I?

Yay, what a predictable turn of events!...? (\^.^/)

Ashley and Sarah sitting in a tree~


Yeah, I'm so mture sometimes. So, next week, new chapter!

Thank you for reading.


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