Made in Magic

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Dad nearly dropped a pan of sizzling eggs when he saw me walk down the stairs, fully dressed and awake at nine on Saturday morning. It's understandable, seeing as I'm usually awake last. "What are you doing up? Did you go to bed early last night or something?" he stared at me out of the corner of his eyes. "Yeah," I answered breezily. "I wasn't able to come up with anything good for my new song last night," I half-lied. I really was having writers' block for the lyrics to my new song, but I hadn't even though about it last night. "Well, Tony and mom aren't here yet, so I guess we could talk," he smiled at me over his shoulder. Lately, he had been trying to start a new construction company a couple towns over from our house, so he wasn't home as much as anyone would want him to be. "Do you like the school here?" "I love it," I told him cheerfully as I started brewing coffee. "The music program is even better than you said it was, and the school's got a recording studio, and the principal said I could get my community service hours if I tutored some kids in music and stuff," I continued rambling and my dad smiled at me. "I'm so glad you like it here," he told me while pulling me into a tight hug. "I hope everyone likes you being here too," he whispered in a disheartened voice. "Daddy, don't worry about me. Everyone knows that I'm lesbian. Everyone's been really nice about it, and I got invited to join the GSA. I'm perfectly safe here, Dad. Nothing bad will happen," I reassured him. "I know, Sarah," he sighed, pulling away. "But you don't understand. Being called out of the blue, hearing a stranger's voice tell you your child is in the emergency room, it is the second worst, most painful and heartbreaking feeling in the world. And the worst is that I never even knew what you were going through at the time, and that I couldn't do anything." I gulped and looked at my feet as he finished. This was the first time my dad and I had talked about the incident that forced us to move to a new home. The few words he said, and the way he spoke in a low tone, as if speaking the words softly would lessen the pain of remembering a horrible moment in our lives, made me feel like he was still distressed about the past. "Dad, everything will be better here and now. You just have to let go of the past, and live in the present," Taylor's voice butted in with a loud yawn. I smiled and nodded in agreement as Taylor filled a cup with my coffee and started chugging it. "Getting advice from a couple of teenagers. Who'd have thought?" he chuckled and shook his head, returning to his cheery self. After Taylor came in, mom and Toby filed in wearing camping gear. They were going out butterfly hunting later, apparently. I decided against telling them about my date since I didn't feel like getting their hopes up about me finding a possible girlfriend. We dispersed after breakfast, Taylor was going out to pick up Gayle, her boyfriend, from the airport that was almost a day's drive away. They would spend the night at a hotel together and drive back tomorrow. I holed myself up in my music room until I got a text from Ashley, telling me she would be at my house in a couple of minutes. I ran to my room, unashamed of myself as I freaked out over my outfit and hair and makeup and blah blah blah. Fortunately, Mom, Dad, and Toby had already left for their butterfly hunting expedition, so they couldn't ask me what my anxiousness was about. I heard the bell ring and checked myself out in the mirror one last time before I ran downstairs and yanked the door open.   {Ashley}   I nervously glanced out of the corner of my eyes at Sarah, racking my brain for something to talk about. "By the way you keep glancing at me, I kinda get idea that you're nervous." She laughed. I scoffed in response. "Sorry. Never actually been on a date in public with a girl before," I muttered sarcastically under my breath so she wouldn't hear me. She laughed again and turned the conversation to a different subject. In no time, we were sitting at a table in the loud restaurant and eating pizzas. We talked and flirted. Surprisingly, the date was going better than I thought it would, she was easier to talk to than I expected, and my heart would race whenever her feet would nudge mine or if she said something flirtatiously at me.   "Oh hey, what time's the movie?" she asked. We were just sitting at our table, grinning at each other like fools. A lot of people had left and the restaurant was much quieter than when we first came in. I glanced at my watch and cursed out loud. The movie had started a half hour ago. "Something wrong?" she leaned back and I frowned at her amused, teasing look. "The movie already started," I sighed, tossing money on the table and ushering her up and out of the restaurant. "What a shame. Maybe we should wait until the next show time," Sarah grinned at me. "That's more than an hour away!" I muttered. "What do you wanna do for that long?" "Come on, let's just go somewhere," she laughed and grabbed my hand, tugging me towards the downtown area. I hoped she wouldn't ever let go.   {Sarah}   I walked into the downtown area while holding hands with Ashley, even though it wasn't necessary to since she was actually walking next me now. I saw her glance down at our hands and she smiled. "What are you smiling about?" I asked her. "Thinking of someone special?" she blushed and shook her head viciously from side to side. "Don't be cocky, you're not that special," Ashley pouted. I put my free hand to my chest and gazed at her with a pained expression. "What? But I'm special enough to be on your mind. Right?" I asked with mock-hopefulness. She rolled her eyes and bumped me with her shoulder. "You really are cocky! Always talking about how special you are," she joked back at me while putting air quotes around "special." And it doesn't really work when your using one hand, just letting you know. "Then let's talk about you," I suggested. She sighed. "Hello, my name is Ashley Rose D'Argent-Smith. I am a sixteen-year-old junior in high school. I play the piano and the harp. I'm on my school's Varsity volleyball team and varsity soccer team. Ta-friggin-da," She spoke with fake preppy-ness and finished off with the driest sarcasm I have ever heard in my life. "I feel like I understand you so much better," I laughed. We were nearing a small, quiet park, so I led her to a bench leaning crookedly against a tree trunk. "I really have no idea what I could tell you that we haven't talked about already though." She bit her lip and stared off with a frown on her face. Must be in pretty deep thought. "Okay, how about… Your celebrity crush?" "I don't really have one…" she mumbled, looking down at her feet. "What, seriously? Everyone has a celebrity crush," I said, baffled. "Well, yeah, most people do," she glared jokingly at me. "But I just don't like celebrities. People only like them because they're good-looking, and they're only good-looking because they're photoshopped. So to me, it's like falling in love with a painting or something." "Because paintings can't love you back?" I whispered quietly. She shrugged. "So who do you have a celebrity crush on?" Ashley smiled gently. I sighed. "That is a very hard question to answer. Promise me you won't get jealous of her?" I teased. She scoffed and shook her head. "Do you watch Skins? The UK version?" I asked before answering her question. "Nope. Answer the question Sarah," she ordered me. "Yes Madame Ashley," I joked. "Well, there's this really cute girl on it named Effy. I really hate her since she does stupid things most of the time, but I guess that means I've got a crush on her looks," I shrugged. "Oh really? So do you have a crush on my looks too?" she raised an eyebrow at me. "Of course not, babe. I've just got a crush on you. All of you," I winked at her. "God, you are so cheesy," Ashley laughed. "C'mon, let's go, before we miss the movie again." She stretched her arms above her head, making her shirt rise just a tiny bit so that I could see some skin. I quickly glanced away before she could catch me staring though. We walked back to the theatre and she asked me about Skins. I explained the basic summary of it, but didn't go into depth about the characters or plot. I'd only seen the first couple episodes on Netflix. We got popcorn and soda and entered the nearly-empty theatre and sat down just as the movie started. Ashley was immediately drawn in, but I didn't really pay attention. I just kept glancing at Ashley and concentrated on the feel of her warm, soft hand in mine.   {Ashley}   When the movie got out Sarah and I stepped out of the theatre, still holding hands, and saw that it had gotten dark. It was pleasantly cool and a little breezy. We were wandering around aimlessly, talking about anything that came to mind. Just like we did at lunch. Words came out of my mouth easily. I wasn't so nervous about talking to her anymore and I also didn't have to be careful about what I said around her. Somehow, we ended up back at the bench we had been talking at earlier. We sat down side by side in the dark shade of the tree. I shivered and Sarah quickly wrapped her arms around me. My body suddenly felt too hot in her embrace, but I enjoyed the feeling. I could feel my breathing and heartbeat get faster as she leaned in close. Sarah brought her hand up and gently cradled my cheek as she tilted her head closer to mine. Just fucking kiss me already! I screamed in my head when she hesitated. I could feel her breath dancing across my lips before disappearing like smoke. Not being able to hold back any longer, I closed my eyes and pushed my lips against hers. The feeling of her soft lips gently pushing against mine was beyond amazing. It was like instead of having butterflies in my stomach, someone had set fire to a million sparklers inside my chest. We broke apart and I licked my lips. Hmm, she wears strawberry flavored lip gloss I noted. I saw a little smudge on the edge of her bottom lip and gently wiped it off with my finger. "Wow," she whispered. I blushed and opened my mouth to say something to her but her lips were suddenly on mine again. Not that I minded or anything. Sarah's lips were soft and gentle, and moved against mine perfectly. I felt her gently nibble on my bottom lip before pulling away with a smile. "Uh, I guess... we should probably go," I muttered without looking her in the eye. "It'll be warmer in the car." She grinned and kept her arms around me while we made our way back to the car. I pulled away from her once we reached it and slid in, turning the heater on full blast. "That was really fun. Wanna do it again some other time?" she asked, smiling playfully at me as I drove through town. "What was fun? The kissing or the date?" I joked. "Both." at that, I stayed silent, but on the inside I was jumping for joy. I mean, she pretty much just said that she wants to go out on another date... and she wants to kiss me again. We both stayed silent until we reached her house. "Thanks for the date," she laughed, opening the door. She was about to step out when I reached across the seat and grabbed her arm. "Wait, c'mere for a second," I said hoarsely. I can't beleive I'm about to do this, I thought nervously in my head. She frowned quizically as she slid back into the passenger seat. I didn't say anything, I just leaned over to her and roughly pressed my lips against hers. At first, she didn't respond, but after a couple seconds, she kissed back and ran her fingers through my hair, gently pulling me closer to her. She bit my lip and tugged gently with her teeth, asking for entrance. I moaned when she slid her hot tongue into my mouth. I felt like I would burn from the inside out. The sparklers in my chest had turned into rockets, my heart beat too fast, and my breath was shallow. We broke the kiss for a breath of air and Sarah leaned her forehead against mine.
"Ashley, we should stop before things get too far too fast, 'kay?" she whispered quietly. I still couldn't speak, it's like she's stole my voice with her lips. So I silently nodded instead and she smiles at me.
"Trust me, I do want to go farther with you, but let's just take it slow," she winked and gave me a sweet kiss on the lips, but it doesn't last long enough.
"Good night," I finally manage to tell her quietly as she's stepping out of the car. " 'Night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite." she chirpped back. I waited for her to go in the house, then drove back to Bailey's house to be bombarded with questions.

And that's the end of chapter... dunno.
Um, something really bad happened to a relative, so the chapter's not that good, y'know. Anyways, don't wanna dwell on that subject, so moving on to something freaky that I realized.

Naomi Campbell/Lily Loveless from the UK SKINS is exactly how I imagined the way Sarah would look like. It freaked the shit out of me, 'cuz I was was looking up facts about Skins when something from afterellen showed up. It was talking about how there are really good actors portraying lesbians on the show. So I clicked on it and fell in love with Lily Loveless when I saw a picture of her. Which made me skip season one and season two so I could watch season three and four, just cuz she was in those.

Shit. I'm so hopeless.

Good Night Everyone, Keep your chin up,

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⏰ Última actualización: Apr 03, 2012 ⏰

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