Testing Limits

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This school has a really messed-up schedule. At least I only have half the amount of classes every day. And I still get to see Ashley. I was thinking to myself as I drove to school with Taylor and her new friends in the backseat. I sighed to myself. They were all the nerds, but loved and respected by everyone at the school, so they weren't complete losers, they just weren't the popular people I was so used to seeing Taylor hang out with. Lately, she had been acting strange. Quieter, but in a peaceful, happy way. I understood though, when she explained to me that her boyfriend was coming to visit her. He had been saving up to buy a plane ticket to fly pretty much all the way across the country just to see her. Not easy for him, making minimum wage waiting on other people. Just the thought of him working that hard to be with her made Taylor the happiest little biyatch in the world. It made me happy to see her like that.

I heard a honk from beside me, and looked over to see a red and white mini cooper beside me. In the drivers' seat, I noticed a familiar blonde haired figure speaking aggravatedly to a cute black-haired girl beside her. I honked back and revved my engine suggestively. I glanced at the red light when Ashley turned to look at me through her window. I was in the nissan today, and it made me think of a loaded businessman standing next to a clown, which would be the mini cooper. Ashley glared at me, then put two hands on her wheel with her jaw set, looking forward intently at the light. I revved the engine again, and she responded. I laughed out loud at her.

"Wait, when the light turns green, don't drive. There's a cop coming up the street corner," one of Taylor's friends told me from the backseet. I grinned at her in the rear view mirror.

"So it'll be like in that one movie? 'It's You Again' Right?" I asked. I revved my engine again as the numbers of cars at the intersection lessened. Again, Ashley responded just as loudly. Suddenly, the light turned green, and she must have stepped on the pedal pretty hard, because her tiny little car shot forward like a lady bug on steroids. Barely a second later, a cop car pulled off from the corner, lights flashing and sirens taunting the speeding girl ahead of me. I drove at a normal pace, and everyone in the car waved to Ashley and her friend as we drove past. They stared at us in shock and fury, so I couldn't help blowing a kiss to Ashley and winking at her. Her face grew red enough to match the paint of the car, and her jaw dropped at my audacity. I turned my eyes back to the road in front of me, and started laughing with the other girls in the car.

"Nice way to show your feelings to girl," Taylor snorted through happy tears. I shook my head at her, still smiling, and parked as close as possible to the school entrance. As we were leaving the car, Ashley and her friend pulled up next to us. Ashley stepped out of the car, walked over to me and shoved me weakly.

"You big jerk!" she yelled at me. I bit my tongue so I wouldn't laugh, but there was a slight smile on my face. She looked way too cute. She was biting her lip in frustration and her fists were shaking at her side while her blue eyes glared at me with fury writhing deep inside them.

"I'm sorry, I'm not one for street racing. It's too reckless, not to mention it's against the law. And to top it off, it's a fifteen-mile-an-hour zone. Can't blame me if you got a ticket." I said smoothly. Taylor and her friends were laughing quietly a yard away from us, and Ashley's friend stood behind her with two bags in her hand.

"I didn't get a ticket," Ashley pouted indignantly. Some of her rage had been replaced by a shadow of embarrassment.

"Really? I was sure you would," I teased with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, really, you jerk," she snapped. And having nothing left to say, she turned and grabbed the bag that was held out to her by her friend. She stomped away from me with a last glare.

"See you second period then!" I yelled after her. She heard me, but didn't turn around to respond at all. I was really looking forward to second period now.


As I seethed through an hour of history class, I thought about how much I hated Sarah. The stupid jerk flirts with me, acts like she likes me, and then completely ignores me, then makes a fool out of me in front of all her friends and sister. What is wrong with her? And what is wrong with me?! When I saw her pull up next to the car I was driving (It was actually Bailey's car, my best friend) I had felt a rush of excitement and happiness. Bailey noticed my excitement and honked the horn at her. When I was scolded her, I heard Sarah honk back, and challenge me to race. She had her stupid little cocky grin on her face, so when the light turned green, I stepped on the pedal as hard as I could. Bailey andd I wooped, until we realized that a policeman was pulling us over, and the car that was driving by at normal speed was Sarah's who smiled and waved.

I will definitely get back at her. In P.E. I'll make sure every ball I throw hits her directly in that stupid grinning face of hers. I glared at people who stared at me for my sudden giddy smile. I just have to be patient for P.E. Just ten more minutes, and I'll have my revenge.


By the time the fith ball flew at me, I finally got it through my head that Ashley must be really mad at me for what happened this morning. As I narrowly dodged another ball that had a flight path towards my head, I decided that I shouldn't be toying with Ashley any longer, otherwise I'd end up dead. I mentally cursed the P.E. teacher in my head for choosing today to be the day to play dodgeball, and I cursed the kid I was filling in for that was going to be gone all period for some stupid dentist appointment. Coming up with an idea for her forgiveness, I let Ashley throw a ball and didn't move a muscle as it begged me right in the face. I stumbled backwards, covering my bleeding nose with a hand and immediately, a shrill whistle was blown.

"Smith! Bassi!" he yelled, using the shortened, easier versions of our last names. "Go to the nurse's office and work out your stupid cat fight!" he glared at me and Ashley. "Don't think I didn't notice that every single ball you threw was to hit her, Ashley," he said, directly at her. She sighed indignantly, and walked beside me out of the gym. I was still pinching my nose, so I couldn't do anything to stop her when she punched me roughly on my right shoulder. I ignored her. "Can we go to the bathroom first? I need to stop the bleeding," I told her. "That's why we're going to the nurse's office, dummy," she spat. She didn't sound as angry at me, and I could hear a hint of guilt in her voice. I sighed and shook my head at her, "Ashley, I want to talk to you. Privately. I need to apologize," I told her honestly. She blinked in surprise, then shrugged and led me to the bathrooms. It was completely empty, and surprisingly small for such a big school. I rinsed the blood off and my nose finally stopped bleeding.

"Sorry," she muttered, leaning against the sink next to me while I dried my face and hands.

"It's fine, I kinda deserved it anyways for tricking you like that," I smiled at her in the mirror, and she smiled back tentatively. "So, will you please forgive me, for tricking you? And... pretending to ignore you?" I leaned against my sink next to her and looked at my feet.

"You were only pretending to ignore me?" she was actually surprised. "I thought you actually didn't like me," she laughed.

"Well, I actually do," I admitted. I heard her sigh, and felt her eyes on me.

"I'm sorry, I just find it kind of hard to believe you," she whispered. "This entire time, you've pretty much been toying with me so that I would have to always keep thinking about you, right?" Her words made my chest tighten. She was rejecting me.

"Oh." I gulped. "Then I guess I blew my chances with you, didn't I?Damnit, and I was actually going to ask you out today," I muttered sadly. I shouldn't have been toying with her. Happy now? I learned my lesson.

"Well, not exactly," she said with a hint of a smile in her voice. I finally looked up at her, and she continued talking. "You have to prove to me that you actually like me, then I'll go on a date with you."

"How?" I asked.

"Join the boys' Lacrosse team."

Me gusta this story so far... Do you guys? please leave a comment if you do, or if you dont. And if you have any ideas for what you would like to happen in later chapters, go ahead and leave a comment. Haha, it's weird that I'm asking this of you people, since you know, I have pretty much NO readers... But thank you for reading anyways!


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