Conversation Four

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Ethan 🎮: yo

Tyler 🎮: gansta af I see

Ethan 🎮: you know it baby

Tyler 🎮: ugh. why do you feel the need to bug me? Is there a difference between me and everyone else?

Tyler 🎮: you're so weird

Ethan 🎮: *gay

Tyler 🎮: that too

Ethan 🎮: speaking of which we're matching

Tyler 🎮: ?

Ethan 🎮: 🎮

Ethan 🎮: that

Tyler 🎮: ohhhhhh

Tyler 🎮: so what?

Ethan 🎮: just saying if you don't want to be seen as "like that" you mightn't want to match with somebody who is

Tyler 🎮: dude it's just an emoji? Why are you being so sensitive?

Ethan 🎮: forget it

Ethan 🎮: it's stupid anyway

Tyler 🎮: okay

Tyler 🎮: so if you aren't gonna tell me who sent you. Then why don't you tell me more about you?

Ethan 🎮: do you mean as in like twenty questions?

Tyler 🎮: you could call it that.

Ethan 🎮: alright then go on?

Tyler 🎮: why do you keep talking to me?

Ethan 🎮: because I find you intriguing

Tyler 🎮: how old are you?

Ethan 🎮: 19

Tyler 🎮: what sort of games do you play?

Ethan 🎮: there isn't just one type, stuff off steam, stuff on console, anything really as long as it looks good.

Tyler 🎮: do you have a boyfriend?

Ethan 🎮: are you planning on asking me out?

Tyler 🎮: what? No!

Ethan 🎮: then I do

Tyler 🎮: is that actually true?

Ethan 🎮: nope! Single as can be

Tyler 🎮: you allergic to anything?

Ethan 🎮: more like everything

Tyler 🎮: what colour is your hair?

Ethan 🎮: currently? Blue

Tyler 🎮: oh cool, one of my friends hair is red

Ethan 🎮: neato

Tyler 🎮: hey, the 90s called, they want their word back

Ethan 🎮: I think I should be more concerned at the fact that the 90s became a being and called you on the phone

Tyler 🎮: I mean I am a pretty cool guy, things like that happen to me all the time

Ethan 🎮: here's a question for you

Ethan 🎮: are you a Leo?

Tyler 🎮: what does that have to do with anything

Ethan 🎮: not much, Leos are just known for being egotistical

Ethan 🎮: fits you perfectly


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