Conversation twelve

600 34 28

ty: hey

blue boy: you just here to pester me on what I look like?

ty: sorta

blue boy: then fuck off

ty: no I just wanted to know why it's such a big deal to you?

blue boy: I'm just not very comfortable showing my face to people I don't know

ty: and yet you got me to show you mine

ty: ethan don't bullshit me

ty: you're lying

blue boy: you barely know me.

ty: because you won't let me in

ty: pushing me away every time you feel uncomfortable we're never gonna progress

blue boy: I'm only pushing you away because you're getting too close

ty: what happened to flirty ethan?

blue boy: hah hahah

ty: ?

blue boy: flirty ethan died a while ago.

ty: are you okay?

ty: please don't shut me out

blue boy: just stop talking to me

ty: no

blue boy: stay the fuck away from me.

ty: stop shutting me out, I just want to help you

blue boy: he doesn't need your help.

ty: ethan?

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