Conversation Ten

663 42 10

Big jazz boi: Heyy

Tyler 🎮: hey

Tyler 🎮: how are you?

Big jazz boi: okay, tired I guess.

Tyler 🎮: do you just never sleep?

Big jazz boi: I mean I try to

Big jazz boi: it just doesn't always work that well.

Tyler 🎮: do you have insomnia?

Big jazz boi: no, just an over active mind at four in the morning

Tyler 🎮: ah

Tyler 🎮: maybe try and read before trying to sleep?

Tyler 🎮: instead of going on your phone I mean. Twitter is very addictive, I am aware.

Big jazz boi: yeah, I'll try doing that, it might help

Big jazz boi: thanks

Tyler 🎮: why do I get the feeling you're still mad at me?

Big jazz boi: when was I ever mad at you before?

Tyler 🎮: it doesn't matter

Big jazz boi: no tell me

Tyler 🎮: I have to go

Tyler 🎮: bye

Big jazz boi: Tyler I'm sorry

Message sent

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