Conversation thirteen

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Markimoo: Tyler I need your help

Ty: with what?

Markimoo: y'know Ethan?

Ty: you gave him my kik!?

Markimoo: answer my question

Ty: yeah, I know him

Markimoo: he's in trouble.

Ty: he seemed off in our last conversation

Markimoo: that wasn't him.

Ty: huh?

Markimoo: his boyfriend Ruaridh, they've been dating for around a week or so, but he's really over protective and kinda.. Controlling I guess is the word..

Ty: he took Ethan's phone?

Markimoo: yeah.

Markimoo: he's not good for Ethan, Ethan's too sensitive... It's not healthy.

Ty: he's more than just sensitive.

Markimoo: well of course he is you asshole! His parents kicked him out.

Ty: what?

Ty: no he gets calls from his mom all the time!

Markimoo: Jesus I thought you were smarter than that.

Ty: you mean he lied to me

Markimoo: yeah I guess.

Ty: why'd you even give him my kik anyway?

Markimoo: I thought he could use a friend, seeing as I'm his only one.

Ty: Jesus...

Markimoo: see if you can get through to him, get his Skype or something check if he's okay

Ty: can't you do that?

Markimoo: I've been trying.

Ty: he won't even show me what he looks like, how do you expect me to get his Skype

Markimoo: a wonderful thing called voice call my friend

Ty: alright I'm on it

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2017 ⏰

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